I know this is a common question, but I've searched a lot and only experience this since a few months, without knowing what's causing this issue of course, maybe since a Wordpress update.

This is now happening each time I move a WP installation to another server. My procedure :

  • Export DB from dev site.
  • Search & Replace old URL by new URL.
  • Import DB in new site.

Before answering me I messed with the encoding sets, please consider this :

  • In my fresh new DB, special chars are well displayed (french - see acccents) :


  • In front-end, accents fail :

enter image description here

  • In WP Dashboard, page titles don't even display, although they're displayed in the menu (cf. previous pic) ('pas de titre' means 'no title')

enter image description here

What should I do to migrate WP installation properly ???

1 Answer 1



After multiple trials (like converting my tables to utf8_unicode_ci -- didnt work), here's the only successful fix I found :

define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');

In wp-config.php, replace utf8mb4 by utf8.

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