Every now and then WP logs me out and a pop-up requires me to log back in. After this happens and I am back in, I try to save some changes to a page I'm working on, but there is an error like "Are you sure you want to do that?"
I return to the page and there is an admin notice:
The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below. Restore the backup.
I click the link and the message is
Post restored successfully. Undo.
However I can't see any changes. The editor view doesn't change or refresh. In fact, if I try to leave the page, I'm warned about navigating away. If I do so anyway, the same admin notice appears when I return/refresh. If I instead click update, then the last version is saved. I've been searching unsuccessfully, how can I actually restore the 'local storage' backup?
(WP 4.4.1, Avada theme)