If this is the problem I know so well, you are running a memcache setup behind your MU install? I've found that there's apparently a cache issue (witnessed in 2.9) for the options object where something good (like the wp_user_roles key) gets stuck in the "notoptions" memcache array.
If you do run atop memcache, and this sounds like a possiblity, try telnetting into the machine via 11211. Type delete blogid:options:notoptions
, where the blogid is the id of the blog on which you see the issue. Refresh the admin panel and see if there are roles in the dropdown. If so, you've found your problem.
UPDATE: OK, so you did not find your problem -- you weren't running memcache. I would still check out the roles object, looking for a corrupt or non-existant one. I believe it's your best lead. You can use this code to dump the options table:
global $wpdb;
$array = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT option_name FROM $wpdb->options");
foreach ($array as $key) {
echo $key . ": <code>";
var_dump(get_option($key), true));
echo "</code><br/>";