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Twenty Twenty Four child theme stylesheet is not being enqueued in admin panel when editing pages

I have created a child theme of Twenty Twenty four. I have a styles.css in the child theme directory and I have enqueued the stylesheet to load in the child theme's functions.php: <?php /* * ...
Jason's user avatar
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0 answers

Load RTL CSS using block.json for block development

I am developing a block using block.json and I could load RTL CSS on backend using this code: // Check if RTL mode is enabled if (wp.i18n.isRTL()) { // Import RTL stylesheet if RTL mode is enabled ...
Farhad Sakhaei's user avatar
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1 answer

Enqueue Stylesheet on the front end and in the block editor Conditionally

How would you include a stylesheet in both the block-editor and on the front-end if the page meets certain criteria? In this case I want to include a stylesheet called homepage.css if the page is the ...
Walrus's user avatar
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0 answers

Styling best practices for single pages/templates

What's the best practice for CSS that is specific to one PHP file? For example, let's say I make a page page-456.php that is styled differently from the rest of the site, what's the best practice to ...
Coopero's user avatar
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1 answer

wp_head not injecting css

I'm trying to inject a style.css script into my front-page.php. None of the styles load. In the tutorials, when you inspect page source, all the CSS should be there, but it simply shows the wp_head() ...
Shawn Esquivel's user avatar
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2 answers

How enqueue CSS out of theme folder?

How we can enqueue a stylesheet out of theme folder? Example: wp-content > cssfile.css
015ra's user avatar
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1 answer

plugin not loading my css and js

Hi I'm using the standard way to load styles and scripts within my plugin. But I have no clue why it's not working. It's not shown in the network tab nor in the <head>. Can this cause issues ...
Jan's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom theme – Bootstrap CSS not loading via wp_enqueue_style or otherwise

I'm designing a custom Theme using the template. I've read several different "my css doesn't load" articles on this topic, but none seem to help w/ my issue. My own styles ...
Sylvester DeMouser's user avatar
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1 answer

Enqueue MCE Editor CSS in admin page

I am using mce editor for some formatted content. That content is stored in metadata. Now when I render the content it does render the content but the styles for the contents are missing like "...
MrCoderAndEditor's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add/enqueue Custom CSS for a custom taxonomy page?

So this is what I have done for my homepage so I load css that only loads on my homepage function enqueue_frontend_assets(){ if(is_page_template( 'homepage.php')) { wp_enqueue_style( '...
fjimenez's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

str_replace inside specific css files [closed]

Is it possible to perform str_replace inside an enqueue stylesheet? i can do str_replace on inline style with this function function replace_text($text) { $text = str_replace('background-image', '...
Uxair's user avatar
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0 answers

How to override Bootstrap css with my child theme css in wordpress?

I am trying to load my site's child theme's css after Bootstrap CDN css in wordpress. I tried using these code but it doesn't work. The Bootstrap css is not overriden. What should I do to fix that? ...
wcwc's user avatar
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0 answers

Load CSS before Theme CSS

I have a stylesheet I want to load first in the head before other plugins load css or theme css. For some reason priority is not working for me. Any idea how I can achieve this? I need to use ...
Ads's user avatar
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How to check if a WordPress core block is active in sidebar

I have a widget area and I want to enqueue a stylesheet only if a core block is active in it. I tried the following code: // if has audio block. if (has_block('audio')) { wp_enqueue_style('audio-...
Zeddy Emy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Enqueue styles in new site editor in WordPress 5.9

In the block editor for posts and pages, I used to use the enqueue_block_editor_assets hook to enqueue styles for the block. add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets','load_assets_in_block' ); ...
Sanzeeb Aryal's user avatar
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1 answer

Why would the child theme load in the Customize preview, but not on the site itself?

I have my child theme folder, the style.css sheet with the required template comment and some custom css, and I have the functions.php page with the required enqueing code. Everything seems to be in ...
Benjamin Jex's user avatar
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0 answers

Advanced method to control cache of enqueued style/script

I have a WordPress website with medium-level traffic, ~10,000 unique visitors a day. Arround 30% of my daily visitors are recurrent. I constantly make some UI improvements: colors, font-size, ...
Alexandro Giles's user avatar
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1 answer

Dequeue styles with query doesn't work

In my theme there is the following code (that is printing some inline css on the head of my site) final class Design_Scheme { /** * Design_Scheme constructor. */ private function __construct() { ...
Honoluluman's user avatar
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1 answer

theme style is applied on the dhasboard rather than the website

I am creating a new theme, I created a new directory called mytheme and created three files directly inside the directory where the content is as follow: index.php <?php echo "hellow world&...
user avatar
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2 answers

Which is the correct way to conditionally enqueue a CSS file?

get_queried_object returns NULL inside a function hooked to wp_enqueue_scripts action hook when going to an nonexistent category URL on my website. If the category exists, the error is not shown and I ...
silviubogan's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add CSS via custom plugin?

I am making my first plugin. I create a folder in \wp-content\plugins, create a test.css and a test.php file. Here is my test.css: body { background-color: red !important; } Here is my test.php (...
Ooker's user avatar
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Save custom option in CSS file

I have built this script in order to display a CodeMirror in a plugin and through the CodeMirror integration I can inject and save CSS in the head of the website, the result is very cool but I would ...
Marcello Perri's user avatar
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Problem with displaying CSS Stylesheets - Am I adding them correctly in my wordpress child theme?

Is this a proper way to load CSS files into my WordPress child theme? add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_enqueue_styles' ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'case_studies_styles' ); ...
JohnDem's user avatar
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1 answer

My CSS suddenly doesn't load anymore [closed]

I've did some small changes on my CSS, nothing crazy, uploaded them to my website. Cleared my cache and suddenly, the website doesn't show my custom styles. Website: My ...
Dennis's user avatar
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How to enqueue stylesheets in child-theme functions.php?

I know this topic is old hat, but I still got issues with that. I use the elementor child-theme and try to enqueue the following stylesheets hello-child-theme-folder: style.css hello-child-theme/...
Chrizzly's user avatar
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1 answer

Dequeing Parent Fontawesome Deques Parent Styles

I'm trying to dequeue fontawesome from a parent theme in my child theme. For this I use the following code: function si_dequeue_child_styles() { wp_dequeue_style('wp-bootstrap-starter-fontawesome-...
TheKidsWantDjent's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I force Dynamic CSS via ACF values to update on page load?

I'm trying to dynamically change the background color of a post on scroll to colors set in post options via an ACF color picker. I was able to source enough code examples to get it working (I thought) ...
rconrad41's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Use wp_add_inline_style to add code to before wp_head?

I’m building a Wordpress theme for Themeforest. In the customizer I’ve given users the ability to also use the rem unit for their font sizes. I’ve created three different settings that control the ...
ralphjsmit's user avatar
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How to reference different css (bootstrap) stylesheets for the header and body of a page?

Thanks in advance for the help, and apologies if I'm being dumb, I'm rather new. I have tried various different answers on this site, but they did not work, as they were meant for different pages. I ...
Vanessa Chen's user avatar
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2 answers

Browser stacks different versions of style.css

I am working with a child theme from 'Astra'. I am editing 'style.css' of my child theme for styling my website. I added this code to my child's functions.php' file to enqueue the father-child styles. ...
David Sarrà's user avatar
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0 answers

Add inline CSS to login page with wp_add_inline_style

Trying to add inline style with wp_add_inline_style to login page by targeting login-css style sheet.. add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', 'bt_css_login', 1009 ); /** * Enqueue Login CSS * * @...
neilgee's user avatar
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0 answers

CSS style and app.js not loading

I'm brand new at theme development. My directory is the following: I should see, in the page source (even if I have a blank page) the app.js loaded, but I don't. This is what I see: what is wrong in ...
Giacomo Ialenti's user avatar
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1 answer

Stylesheet does not load despite functions.php

I am calling my stylesheet styles.css within functions.php. Also adding add_action. But it does not work… <?php function myBlog_files() { wp_enqueue_style('styles', get_stylesheet_uri()); } ...
S.H's user avatar
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Bootstrap Integtration

I wonder how can I integrate only bootstrap 4 grid system instead of : <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-...
ahmet kaya's user avatar
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Dequeue a style file which is making website load slow!

I have a website running on GrandNews WordPress Theme ( and loading via KeyCDN. The site is loading a CSS file located at websitedomain....
Sheryl's user avatar
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why enqueued styles in header.php shows in footer?

I`m using this code in functions.php: add_action('wp_head', 'addMyStyle'); function addMyStyle() { wp_enqueue_style( 'bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/bootstrap.css', false, '1.0',...
Avand Printer's user avatar
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1 answer

Plugin and themes are adding the same stylesheets

/vendors/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css? ver=2.9.10 /yith-woocommerce-wishlist/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css? ver=4.7.0 /theme/css/font-awesome.min.css **this csss are from different ...
adam sk's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to organize priority of plugins CSS files?

I'm developing website with theme (Astra Pro with child theme) and plugins. While I'm checking my performance in Chrome Dev Tools trace shows non-critical stylesheets with high priority. Example — ...
Stewart Wallace's user avatar
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functions.php - inject inline css from file

I would like to read from a .css file and inject it as an inline style in wp_head. it's possible? i've tried this "Add inline css to theme" solution but it doesn't do what I expect because I expect ...
Erik's user avatar
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Set different css stylesheet for specific pages [duplicate]

Is it possible to assign a css stylesheet to specific pages only? If so how? Can I use something like this? Not sure how to specify the pages though? add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', '...
Gavin Reynoldson's user avatar
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How to NOT override inline css rules

I had to dequeue the style.css parent theme file and requeued a copy without the @media rule for the menu from my child folder with a priority of 11. But now this new style is overriding inline rules....
Andrea's user avatar
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My Child Theme CSS Isn't Working

I have a child theme of the twenty seventeen theme. The problem i'm having is that my child theme css isn't working. I have checked the page source and the css file for my child theme is loading but ...
alierrett's user avatar
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Can't Workout Dependency of Stylesheets

I have enqueued a new stylesheet rk.css Ultimately I want it to load last after all other plugin css etc to override any css. I have the following in my functions.php of my child theme: add_action( '...
Pragman's user avatar
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Append style tag in head while shortcode runs

I have a plugin with shortcode. Shortcode returns some html in page. I will have some dynamically generated css that I want to place in the page as well. I tried using wp_add_inline_style (to hook to ...
Toniq's user avatar
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3 answers

Load CSS in footer, like your can with JS?

I'm loading some third party CSS with the help of wp_enqueue_style. I would like this CSS to be loaded in the footer, so it does not block rendering of the page. This would be fine, since this CSS is ...
Johan Dahl's user avatar
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Homepage not loading correctly, but then loads when refreshing

When going to our homepage ( We seem to have lost the styling on the homepage. I checked the source code and it’s not fully loading the page. When you refresh the page or ...
Whites Kitchen's user avatar
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Font size decreases when child theme is created from parent theme?

While creating and activating the child theme, the font size decreases as compared to parent theme <?php function my_theme_enqueue_styles() { $parent_style = 'spicepress-style'; // This is '...
Madhur Jain's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

How to add crossorigin and integrity to wp_register_style? (Font Awesome 5)

I am upgrading Font Awesome 4 to version 5 which introduces both integrity and crossorigin attributes to the <link rel="stylesheet"> markup. Currently, I am using: wp_register_style('...
Pipo's user avatar
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Stylesheet Enqueue Order and Best Practices

i would like to do the following: customize a theme to my likings for use on several sites and installations. so i can make "global" changes (via own plugin?) then i would like to have a site ...
Ruden Ruven's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Override load-styles.php with admin screen css

I am trying to modify css. I tried to modify the css with below code but does seems to work. if i try to change the color it works. #poststuff #post-body.columns-2 { margin-right: 300px; ...
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