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How to check if a WordPress core block is active in sidebar

I have a widget area and I want to enqueue a stylesheet only if a core block is active in it. I tried the following code: // if has audio block. if (has_block('audio')) { wp_enqueue_style('audio-...
Zeddy Emy's user avatar
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Advanced method to control cache of enqueued style/script

I have a WordPress website with medium-level traffic, ~10,000 unique visitors a day. Arround 30% of my daily visitors are recurrent. I constantly make some UI improvements: colors, font-size, ...
Alexandro Giles's user avatar
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1 answer

theme style is applied on the dhasboard rather than the website

I am creating a new theme, I created a new directory called mytheme and created three files directly inside the directory where the content is as follow: index.php <?php echo "hellow world&...
user avatar
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0 answers

Problem with displaying CSS Stylesheets - Am I adding them correctly in my wordpress child theme?

Is this a proper way to load CSS files into my WordPress child theme? add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_enqueue_styles' ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'case_studies_styles' ); ...
JohnDem's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Dequeue a style file which is making website load slow!

I have a website running on GrandNews WordPress Theme ( and loading via KeyCDN. The site is loading a CSS file located at websitedomain....
Sheryl's user avatar
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Font Awesome 5 Free - far working but fas is not? [closed]

This is making me crazy. I'm using Font Awesome 5 Free in custom list styles using :before and content: In every instance, far icons are working and fas icons are not. I've checked everything I ...
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2 answers

I can't add CSS with functions.php

I'm relatively new to creating a theme with WordPress, and I've been adding all the stylesheets (main and for each page) with the old echo get_stylesheet_uri();. But I find out that this isn't the ...
Bruno Marini's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to use the featured image of a page as a css background without inlining?

So, I'm totally new to WordPress and trying to "convert" a static site to a WP theme. I have a page where I'd like to use the featured image as a background for a div. I was wondering what is the ...
lastnoob's user avatar
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1 answer

How remove render blocking css from wordpress when you build a theme?

Is there any good way to avoid render blocking css (google page speed) from Wordpress. Probably more complex, but find a way to add in theme development. It means, not something very specific but ...
user3415011's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

De-registering parent style sheet css recommended?

Just a general question: I am just wondering, why every tutorial for child themes still includes the parent's stylesheet. Would it not be preferable to de-enqueue & to de-register the parent's ...
DoUtDes's user avatar
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2 answers

Ideal inline dynamic CSS injection

There is a code in here that dynamically load custom script. <?php function my_styles_method() { wp_enqueue_style( 'custom-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/...
prosti's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Enqueued Stylesheets Effecting Admin Styles

I'm building a custom theme for a client and I've been adding stylesheets incorrectly for a while, so I decided to do it the correct way :-). However, when I add the stylesheet to my functions.php ...
erwstout's user avatar
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Adding inline styles from a widget

I'm working on a theme that has an optional widget to allow users to put some site elements where they want. One of those is a list of social media icons. These are font icons, so they can be styled ...
cjbj's user avatar
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1 answer

Theme Loading Into Dashboard

I'm having this really weird, never seen before, issue ... whenever I visit the Dashboard, after about 3-5 seconds, my theme loads into the Dashboard layout. It's like the theme's stylesheet is being ...
dcolumbus's user avatar
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2 answers

Some questions about how proper add 2 CSS file in a WordPress theme?

I have the following situation loading a CSS. I have a WordPress theme that load a style.css settings file by this code into my functions.php file: /* Function automatically executed by the hook: * ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why I can't add a CSS style in this WordPress theme?

I am trying to add a CSS style to a WordPress theme that I am developing as is shown in this tutorial: ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Enqueue a stylesheet for login page and make it appear in head element

I try to style the login page in my theme. Very simple: add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', function() { wp_enqueue_style( 'TEST', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/login.css' ); }); ...
fuxia's user avatar
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4 answers

enqueue_style is not working

I try to load the main stylesheet with enqueue_style - but it isn't working. Here is my code from functions.php: function my_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'main-style', ...
Guido's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I use a color from theme options?

I am building a theme, and in the options I have created a place for link color. I cant seem to get this into the theme in any reasonable way. The best I can do is to put it after wp_head ... but that ...
byronyasgur's user avatar
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Having issue with WordPress wp_enqueue_style

I am building a full design into WordPress for the first time and I am trying to load in stylesheets and script files but all I seem to be getting is the text output of the location. What I have is ...
Brett's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How important is it to enqueue a theme's stylesheet?

I have trawled the net looking for an answer to this, but for some reason all I can find are actual examples, but without that particular explanation, which is clear say in the case of scripts. Can ...
byronyasgur's user avatar
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