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How to overwrite a thrid party block's css in a child theme?

Consider a Wordpress (6.6) child theme based on the default Twenty Twenty Four theme: How do you style form fields used in third party blocks? Just copy and pasting a modified version of the third ...
SePröbläm's user avatar
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Live Preview while customizing is not showing the updates while editing in WordPress

I'm working on a small website in WordPress, when clicking the "customize" button, it will open a page that shows a "Live Preview" of the website and allows you to add custom CSS ...
Zahraa's user avatar
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Modifying posts based on category in TwentyTwentyTwo theme

This is quite a starter question. I want to change the style of all the posts in the "photos" category by adding custom CSS to the style.css file of my child theme. However, I cannot find any ...
Klosmi's user avatar
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Custom Theme Additonal CSS "<" and ">" are transformed to "&gt" and "&lt"

Im using Elementor Child Theme and in there im sometimes writing "Additional CSS" and till yesterday everyting was working correct. But since today "<" and ">" are ...
Rick H.'s user avatar
2 votes
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Twenty-Twenty-Two Child Theme Mega Menu

I’ve got a limited knowledge of CSS. What I know I've learned while programming. That said, I’m working with the Twenty-Twenty-Two theme. I’m trying to add a mega-menu to my child theme. The ...
Phil Huhn's user avatar
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Inline CSS header style priority function.php Child (no enqueing I think)

I am webdesigner that knows some basic CSS and HTML. I never worked with PHP and I don't know how to handle this problem but I think it's fairly easy... Well I hope. This is the code: <?php if ( ! ...
Pim Van Delft's user avatar
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Child Theme style.css changes aren't showing. Parent "style-less.css" over rides it, and won't update

I'm using a child theme with a style.css file and none of the updates are showing on the live site. When I view the child theme style.css file via "view page source" the changes show in the ...
Derek's user avatar
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Why is my child theme style.css not found (404) in the front-end? [closed]

I have a brand new Wordpress install (5.9.3) served by nginx (1.13.12). I'm using Docker containers for nginx and wordpress. I created a child theme based on twentytwentytwo following the WP codex ...
Manumie's user avatar
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Load in wp admin assets from child theme

I started to create a child theme from a BoldThemes theme with custom icons. I am able to see icons when edit directly page, but when try to edit page from wp admin, I've this issue I discovered ...
salsan's user avatar
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2 answers

Correct Way To Make Changes To A Wordpress Theme

I'm just getting started with WordPress development and trying to understand the correct way to change small elements within a page such as Woocommerce: How to remove page title from storefront theme ...
Adam's user avatar
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Css will not display in webpage, after adding it in style.css in child theme

I have just started using wordpress again, after a long delay and cannot remember if I am putting the css in the child theme correctly. I placed a tiny piece of css code to display. I have put it in ...
Spencer Halstead's user avatar
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Why would the child theme load in the Customize preview, but not on the site itself?

I have my child theme folder, the style.css sheet with the required template comment and some custom css, and I have the functions.php page with the required enqueing code. Everything seems to be in ...
Benjamin Jex's user avatar
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What's the default order used by Wordpress to load CSS files?

I am working with a commercial theme on which I am making some style changes. Specifically, the parent theme shows a menu which I want to modify. The code for that menu is: <div class="mobile-...
PaulJ's user avatar
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The requested theme does not exist. Stylesheet is missing - error after changing style.css name to my-styles.css in wp child theme?

I renamed style.css to my-style.css, but now I am getting an error in WordPress: "The requested theme does not exist. Stylesheet is missing." I know the reason for that error, but how can ...
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Help with child theme enqueuing additional css files

A few years back, I made some css and template changes directly in my parent theme, because Wordpress was new to me and that seemed easier than messing around with this child theme stuff. It worked ...
Ray Kremer's user avatar
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How to sync the style in the visual editor with the style of a child theme?

I have a wordpress site with twenty-twenty theme sightly modified with a child theme. The site's publically accessible surface is displayed correctly according to the modifications declared in the ...
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How to enqueue stylesheets in child-theme functions.php?

I know this topic is old hat, but I still got issues with that. I use the elementor child-theme and try to enqueue the following stylesheets hello-child-theme-folder: style.css hello-child-theme/...
Chrizzly's user avatar
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Dequeing Parent Fontawesome Deques Parent Styles

I'm trying to dequeue fontawesome from a parent theme in my child theme. For this I use the following code: function si_dequeue_child_styles() { wp_dequeue_style('wp-bootstrap-starter-fontawesome-...
TheKidsWantDjent's user avatar
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WordPress childtheme not loading any CSS/SCSS

I'm using the BigFoot theme and I've made a child theme from this. I've set everything up, my child theme is activated in the wp-admin and everything looks good but for some reason my page isn't ...
Maxim's user avatar
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Remove CSS Attribute by Overriding CSS in Child Theme

I have a theme I am trying to customize the style, and to do so, I have created a child theme. The child theme contains a style.css and I've been able to override certain attributes, but I can't ...
Blaine's user avatar
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How to integrate my HTML and javascript into my child theme

I have a javascript script, html, and css I put together on JSfiddle that I now need to essentially put on a page in wordpress. I'm using a child of the generatePress theme. I'm doing it this way ...
Alexis Richard's user avatar
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2 answers

Browser stacks different versions of style.css

I am working with a child theme from 'Astra'. I am editing 'style.css' of my child theme for styling my website. I added this code to my child's functions.php' file to enqueue the father-child styles. ...
David Sarrà's user avatar
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Is it possible to add a ribbon in the background of h1 on every page?

I want to customize my h1 and to put a ribbon in the background like in the example bellow. Example: I'm not quite sure if/how it's possible to make all ...
Cris J's user avatar
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Custom Background by Page IDs

I use TwentyTwent theme and want to change its background colour by page IDs. I'm not sure but when I check the functions.php, I see below lines which are related to background colours: // ...
Serdar Koçak's user avatar
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CSS Styling a specific page

I am familiar with styling specific pages on WordPress by adding a class .page-id-123 in front of the styled element. However, this doesn't seem to apply to "subpages" (sorry don't know what they ...
jade newport's user avatar
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Pseudo class :before don't working in a specific button

Currently, i'm building an ecommerce and a small button was running with pseudo class :before suddenly stopped working.The site run WP with Divi and Woocomerce. I wish the bellow code back to run: ....
Lucas's user avatar
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How to locate parent theme functions and add functions to my wordpress child theme?

I am using a wordpress child theme and have added css code to the style.css and everything works well. When i want to add function to my function.php file I always get error message. I am new to using ...
davidhlyns's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to let mobile navigation menu close when link is clicked?

I am using a wordpress theme and i wanted to change the navigation menu to a one-page navigation menu. I already made everything work except when i am using a mobile the menu does not close when i ...
davidhlyns's user avatar
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how to add functions to my function.php using a child theme?

I am trying to add functions to my child theme function.php file but each time i try the site crashes. I dont know how to add the functions the right way. <?php add_action( '...
davidhlyns's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it better to put CSS in additional CSS or in Child theme styles.css [closed]

By better i guess i mean which works faster when rendering the page. I understand that the additional css editor stores the changes in the database. Does that make it quicker or slower than using ...
PJSANTA's user avatar
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My Child Theme CSS Isn't Working

I have a child theme of the twenty seventeen theme. The problem i'm having is that my child theme css isn't working. I have checked the page source and the css file for my child theme is loading but ...
alierrett's user avatar
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Why submenu item's background color is not changing by css?

I am developing child theme based on Accelerate by ThemeGrill. I am trying to change submenu item's background color. However it is not affacted by any selector. I have tried to add following to ...
hal's user avatar
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Setting Up Child Theme To Take Priority

I'm trying to setup my child theme style sheet with a premium theme I have bought but I'm having a nightmare trying to get to work properly and efficiently. I have downloaded the theme's child theme ...
willowen100's user avatar
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Child theme after CSS modification

Hi I used the Edin theme to build a wordpress website. I modified a big part of the CSS at the CSS editor, without having a clue what a child theme is. What should I do now? Create a child theme and ...
Ani Kanakaki's user avatar
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all of a sudden my child theme style.css is being ignored? Its been working fine for months?

anyone have any idea what could have caused this? Thanks
user7663911's user avatar
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Change WP Child theme CSS for WP Bootstrap Starter Theme

I am having trouble figuring out how to change styles for the WP Bootstrap Starter theme. I've created a functions file with the following: <?php function my_theme_enqueue_styles() { $...
everapt's user avatar
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How can I fix my theme header for my CSS stylesheet?

/*  Theme Name:     Its Bullish  Theme URI:  Description:    Its Bullish  Author:         Bullish Advertising  Author URI:  Template:       ...
Zack's user avatar
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Font Awesome wp_enqueue_style

I have been trying to get the same code I have on my old server to work on my new server. This is the code I have thus far: function enqueue_load_fa() { wp_enqueue_style( 'load-fa', 'https://use....
thedroidgamer's user avatar
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Font size decreases when child theme is created from parent theme?

While creating and activating the child theme, the font size decreases as compared to parent theme <?php function my_theme_enqueue_styles() { $parent_style = 'spicepress-style'; // This is '...
Madhur Jain's user avatar
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css media query question [closed]

I guess this is a novice question but here it is. I have been editing a child theme CSS and trying to change this specific code @media (min-width: 769px) #carousel-hestia-generic span.sub-...
Alexander F's user avatar
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CSS getting injected into index from somewhere after theme/custom CSS is loaded, overriding all of my CSS [closed]

Using the inspector tool i can see that some CSS is getting injected/generated from somewhere (which i don't know where) which is overriding my own css. I've tried several things from using a child ...
Simon's user avatar
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Adding custom html/css/images to Theme

I have a small header-of-sorts that's in a html file, with its own css file and a folder of images (svgs). I'm basically trying to put this on my site in the header, so I made a child theme and went ...
user3505195's user avatar
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Enqueuing multiple stylesheets with a child theme

I've successfully enqueued a parent stylesheet and child stylesheet. I'd like to enqueue a third - ultimately a style.php file, but a second-style.css would be a good start. It's not working for me ...
JohnG's user avatar
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Want to create Child theme, but already edited Parent theme css files and some php files

I downloaded a WP theme and edited some php files and the css file to my liking (trial and error), and have been using that on my website - but didn't create a child theme. This means any updates I ...
newbiephp's user avatar
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How to customize the WordPress 2014 theme, to have page using less horizontal margin?

How do I customize the WordPress 2014 theme, to have a single pages content use less horizontal margin? Do I need to create a custom theme? Or is there a simple way to modify or customize the theme ...
kurtn718's user avatar
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How can I get this child theme stylesheet to properly load? Or if it is correct, why doesn't my child theme appearance match the parent?

I've read the Codex article on child themes, and numerous StackExchange Q&As, but I've not been able to get this figured out. The impact is that my child theme does not exhibit the same styling as ...
tim.rohrer's user avatar
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child theme appears again when I put the header with parent name.

My wp site suddenly showed the default theme instead of its regular child-theme. Everyhing was restored when we put the parent theme name in the header of the style.css file. But the site was running ...
PameMojito's user avatar
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Parent theme styles overriding child theme CSS [closed]

I am having some trouble getting my child theme to work perfectly. I have successfully created a child theme based on the Flexia theme. I have made child themes before but not come across this issue ...
Ragnhild J.'s user avatar
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How to create my own style.css file in an wordpress child-theme

I am working in the theme called Understrap. I work in the child-theme. The theme allready has a style.css and functions.php. I want to create my own style.css file and overwrite that style.css ...
Dev_John's user avatar
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Child theme's stylesheet cannot load [closed]

I am trying to modify a theme by its child theme. The author already create a child theme. I add many thing in the stylesheet, but it's not working. When I check in Developer mode. I see the link rel ...
Babelac's user avatar