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Style priority in theme.json

I have the following theme.json file in a custom classic/hybrid theme: theme.json file: "styles": { "elements": { "heading": { "color": {...
leemon's user avatar
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How do I highlight a Wordpress Menu Item for a page that is not on the Menu?

I am writing a Wordpress site using the block editor (Spectra One theme). I have a menu item called News. When I click on it the News page appears and the News menu item is highlighted. The News page ...
user26162179's user avatar
2 votes
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Block style variations not enqueued for blocks inside HTML code dynamically rendered via JS

The new WP 6.6 will let anyone style any registered block style variations in theme.json via the styles.blocks.blockName.variations property. Check the following post for more info: https://developer....
leemon's user avatar
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How to add a class to a core block in both admin editor and frontend?

I'm having huge difficulties with the forced styling bundled in WP (using hybrid themes): body .is-layout-constrained > :where(:not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.alignfull)) { max-width: ...
lepardman's user avatar
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Get generated block styles programmatically

If you use wp_head() in the header of your theme Wordpress generated a style tag for the Gutenberg block editor. Who knows how you can get the generated css style tag with the styles without using ...
Ruudje's user avatar
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Block editor: can’t change format of inline code blocks

I’ve just to moved an old Movable Type 5 blog over to wordpress, and the process was relatively straightforward. But now I am trying to tweak the styles of my site. (For what it’s worth, this is using ...
Andrew Jaffe's user avatar
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How to force Gutenberg to follow all custom CSS styling in preview?

I noticed that the live website version can often be different to preview in Gutenberg. For example, this CSS is added as additional/custom CSS through Styles menu: .no-link-underline:link { text-...
Destroy666's user avatar
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Wordpress 6.4.2 - can't load editor style css using 'after_setup_theme' or 'admin_init' actions

My hosting company upgraded my remote Wordpress version of my site to 6.4.2 and as I mentioned in a previous ticket alot of things stopped working. One item that seems to be broken are the custom ...
Mike Sav's user avatar
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Disable WP-Elements Class Creation (Gutenberg)

Gutenberg adds a classname and separately renders CSS in the for certain when certain support features are used such as textColor. This adds additional classNames to blocks and renders additional css ...
Walrus's user avatar
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Load RTL CSS using block.json for block development

I am developing a block using block.json and I could load RTL CSS on backend using this code: // Check if RTL mode is enabled if (wp.i18n.isRTL()) { // Import RTL stylesheet if RTL mode is enabled ...
Farhad Sakhaei's user avatar
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Gutenberg inline style messing up the navigation when I add a list to a page

This is sort of weird. I have a set of pages and the navigation looks the same on all but one page. After trial/error I was able to narrow it down to having a list on my page. As soon as I add a list ...
J.P.'s user avatar
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Enqueue Stylesheet on the front end and in the block editor Conditionally

How would you include a stylesheet in both the block-editor and on the front-end if the page meets certain criteria? In this case I want to include a stylesheet called homepage.css if the page is the ...
Walrus's user avatar
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Turn off/modify specific pre-rendered Gutenberg editor CSS styles

I'm having an issue where Gutenberg is pre-rendering with the theme's style.css, and some of the styles are not fit for the editor. Specifically, I have a class that utilizes transform: translate ...
The9mm's user avatar
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Embed dynamic media query in a Gutenberg block

I'm working on a custom block that renders a series of DIVs differently depending on the device on which it is displayed. On desktop, the DIVs need to be displayed horizontally with a right margin of ...
leemon's user avatar
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2 answers

How to remove class="wp-block-heading" from Heading tags?

WordPress is injecting class="wp-block-heading" to all the heading tags, like h1, h2, and h3. Even though I don't need it in my style sheet. I tried removing it with the following codes, but ...
Freya West's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Block content rendered with inline CSS. How do I reuse it in a headless setup?

I'm working on a Headless Wordpress setup. I want my Wordpress posts rendered elsewhere. I want to write these posts using the basic Gutenberg block editor, and show them on a separate non-Wordpress ...
ᴍᴇʜᴏᴠ's user avatar
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Align images to the left of the content

I am using WordPress 6.2 and the Twenty Twenty-Three theme. I am using a local version of WordPress so I am able to edit the style.css and other files. How can I make the left-aligned image blocks ...
Arete's user avatar
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Custom block style not working in the editor

I'm using the following code to register a custom block style for the quote block in a child theme: function child_init() { register_block_style( 'core/quote', array( '...
leemon's user avatar
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Image and font support missing in editor when deploying theme remotely

So I am starting to learn Wordpress development and today I uploaded my first custom theme from my local environment to the remote hosting server. My theme installed with no issues and I was ready to ...
Mike Sav's user avatar
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How to add arbitrary custom CSS to a Wordpress Block Theme using Site Editor?

When using a Block Theme then you can use the Site Editor, accessible via: Wordpress Dashboard > Appearance > Editor. — Introduced in Wordpress 5.9 on 2022-01-25. Site Editor > Styles (right ...
porg's user avatar
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Customize margin between paragraphs using the Gutenberg Style editor

I'm using the new Styles editor to customize the theme. I would like to change the spacing between the paragraphs of the page and single templates. Is that possible?
lookyhooky's user avatar
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Full Site Editing Non-editble global styles?

Working my way through learning FSE, I'm using this this article and wondered what to do for global styles you don't want user control over? Previous this would be controlled via style.css however, it ...
user4630's user avatar
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3 answers

Insert a group block inside a list item

It seems like the only thing you can put inside a list item is text (including links), inline images, and lists. But I would like to insert a whole group of blocks inside a list item. I was able to do ...
Emmanuel's user avatar
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Dequeue classic-themes.min.css

since version 6.1, wordpress loads classic-themes.min.css on our websites and crashes all of my buttons styles. I only want to see my own styles in the frontend, so i'm dequeueing WP Styles like this: ...
emot1onz's user avatar
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How do I make my block-editor styles match my front-end styles?

The Problem I'm currently working on a personal blog that pulls its styles from my style.css file. Because It's a blog, I'm also using the block editor to create blog posts, but I want the block ...
smcgregor1's user avatar
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Narrow paragraph block aligned to left of "wrapper"

I'm using the full-site-editing feature with "layout":{ "contentSize":"1264px", "wideSize":"1264px" } set in theme.json. Now when I ...
Fanky's user avatar
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adding additional css classes have no effect within block editor

I've been inserting CSS through the Customizer -> Additional CSS. Then I will add some classes within the block editor to single blocks, using the Advanced -> additional css classes field My ...
1NN's user avatar
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How to add my theme's style to woocommerce blocks?

I have found plenty of articles on how to remove the styling from the Woocommerce blocks, but I can find nothing about how to actually use your theme's styling to replace the removed styling from the ...
Seth's user avatar
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How can I add a section with a different background color?

I've installed Wordpress on my server and I'm attempting to implement the design I've mocked up in Figma. It's a pretty simple design but it employs different colored sections to break up the content ...
pixelfairy's user avatar
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How do I add custom CSS animations for specific Gutenberg blocks?

I am not building a theme from scratch and am using a given Wordpress template that allows for full site editing with Gutenberg block editor. I have been able to add custom CSS (using the Additional ...
aristhought's user avatar
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Add Custom Alignment Option to Wordpress Blocks/Gutenberg

When you set up blocks in the block editor (Gutenberg), you typically get options on how to align them (i.e. none, wide, full). Or, if your theme doesn't have them, you can use the function ...
RCNeil's user avatar
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Can you edit WP gutenberg block css without a plugin?

I want to add custom css to my gutenberg table block. I want to adjust the css width of the tds. Ive tried selected the "Fixed Width table cells" toggle but the table seems to have different ...
sarah's user avatar
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How to stop Gutenberg from outputting inline CSS for specific blocks?

I like to know how I can remove these individually. <style id='wp-block-separator-inline-css'> @charset "UTF-8";.wp-block-separator{border-bottom:1px soli ... </style> WP has a ...
NextGenThemes's user avatar
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Scroll code block instead of wrapping text

I'm including some code in a blog post and the length of some lines causes text to wrap, which I don't want. I'd like to have the sort of thing which can be found here on stackexchange, where a scroll ...
fon01234's user avatar
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How to check if a WordPress core block is active in sidebar

I have a widget area and I want to enqueue a stylesheet only if a core block is active in it. I tried the following code: // if has audio block. if (has_block('audio')) { wp_enqueue_style('audio-...
Zeddy Emy's user avatar
2 votes
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Enqueue styles in new site editor in WordPress 5.9

In the block editor for posts and pages, I used to use the enqueue_block_editor_assets hook to enqueue styles for the block. add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets','load_assets_in_block' ); ...
Sanzeeb Aryal's user avatar
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How to upload and style svg logo?

WP beginner here. I'm trying to upload an svg logo to my site. The logo can be accessed here. If you open it in the browser and inspect it, it should show the svg tags around the object. I've ...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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Use of CSS classes in editor-blocks.css file

Checking the editor-blocks.css file found in some themes, I see the following CSS classes added before some of the individual block classes: .edit-post-visual-editor .editor-block-list__layout .editor-...
leemon's user avatar
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Will WordPress updates remove Gutenberg Additional Classes?

I’m attempting to customize Gutenberg column blocks on my front page. I’ve added a custom class name to a column block using the blocks Additional CSS class feature. In my child theme style sheet, I’...
chrisova's user avatar
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Custom CSS in Widget editor (Gutenberg) gets stripped out

As of WP 5.8.1 (or 5.8.0) the Gutenberg Editor gets to be default even for Widgets. So I've started to create some Widgets with Gutenberg blocks. My issue is that if I add custom CSS to the blocks (...
1NN's user avatar
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4 votes
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@wordpress/create-block image url in css

how to include image URL to css "style.css" in custom block? Both these not work: background-image: url("images/imagename.png"); background-image: url("./images/imagename.png&...
pouzarm's user avatar
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Adding a new block editor color option to a theme

I am trying to add new colors to my gutenberg color palette, I would like to add a red color, but when I add the following lines: array( 'name' => _x( 'Red', 'Name of the red color in the ...
Nathan GRAVIER's user avatar
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Stop custom Gutenberg styles taking over other admin bits?

Is there any classes or way of targeting CSS so custom Gutenberg styles doesn't take over the whole admin? For example i want p tag to reflect the front of site font-family and a links etc, but then ...
user4630's user avatar
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WP - Best way to store theme colors to use in SASS/SCSS, JSX (blocks) and PHP [duplicate]

I want to have a way to change theme colors once and use them in SCSS, JSX and PHP. Right now I have the theme colors in my variables.scss like: $theme-colors: ( base: #fff, primary: #5bb57a, ...
Tim's user avatar
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What CSS rules are introduced to core blocks through wp-block-styles?

The Gutenberg Handbook mentions that some CSS for WordPress core blocks are applied to the front-end and within the editor by default (and that they cannot be disabled) but there are more opinionated ...
Will's user avatar
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Why can't blocks be hidden with jQuery?

This seems to be a trivial CSS question and should be asked on SO, but I think there are many subtleties in here that it's better to ask in here. I add a CSS class to a block and use jQuery to hide ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Gutenberg CSS Issue

I have the css code below but it does not work on the post page: ( I am talking about font size and color ) /* gutenberg */ blockquote { text-align: center; margin: 20px; font-family: ...
Faruk rıza's user avatar
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How can I add class to every quote element?

How can I edit defualt class of quote element? Can I use some kind of hook in the_content to add class to any other element??
trip1e's user avatar
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Trying to make an image a circle in Gutenberg

Gutenberg allows extra CSS styles for an image. I want to make the image a circle and I thought this CSS would work: img.imgcircular { -webkit-clip-path: circle(15.7% at 50% 50%); clip-path: circle(...
Henry's user avatar
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Changing Gutenberg / WP block editor width only on pages, not posts or other taxonomies

I have managed to change the width of the WordPress block editor so it uses my max width of my actual theme, making it easier to do layouts during the writing process. Now I wanted to change that to ...
andiOak's user avatar
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