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How to make an image appear then another takes its place and so on?

i would like to reproduce the same effect than this website's homepage has (, which consists of an image appearing randomly in the space for a very short time, then disappears ...
meeyyer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

JS button animation for ajax the WordPress style

I'm creating a backend ajax functionality form, and I'd like it to stay within the WordPress style. There is a small spinning circle animation that appears on certain forms, like when you try to ...
John Dee's user avatar
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3 answers

admin panel - How to remove "delete" button from category editing page

i want to disable, hide or remove delete buttons from category page I tried editing functions.php with no luck: add_action('admin_head', 'hide_category_buttons'); function hide_category_buttons() { ...
Antanas Ignas's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to edit the styling of the admin panel from within a custom theme?

I'm making a custom theme. I know from reading around that I can make a custom admin theme by creating a plugin, but I would prefer to keep everything contained within just my custom theme. ...
Aslan French's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there no admin ui guide for 4.x?

I'm starting a plugin project, and I want to keep the admin pages consistent with the rest of the admin in regard to styles and elements. However, I can't seem to find any resource that lists default ...
Chris's user avatar
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0 answers

how to access all user dashboard on fronted page [closed]

i am new for WordPress and i am creating a membership web site. i have my requirement access user dashboard on fronted page like same to same backed user dashboard. with all activity like change user ...
Anil Patidar's user avatar
13 votes
8 answers

Disable SSL / HTTPS for wordpress

I've installed WordPress and setup the database. I go to the address and the setup page is there, but no CSS. I think: something's wrong, but if I just do the setup maybe everything will just go back ...
cCe.jbc's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Custom CSS In Admin Only For Certain Roles

I'm looking to apply custom CSS in the admin only for a certain user role, "Contributor" to be exact. Everything I try either seems to have no effect, or produces a 500 error. What I've tried has in ...
CalvT's user avatar
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1 answer

Wordpress Admin Thickbox: Remove Margins/Padding

I've added a Thickbox to an admin page by adding the the following action hook to add the library code add_action( 'in_admin_footer', function(){ add_thickbox(); }); And then triggering ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Add logo to admin menu in my plugin

I want to add a simple piece of code: <img src="logo.png"> to the top of the admin menu. I know how to do it if I am just replacing a logo within an already existing class but there is no ...
Christoffer Hansen's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Publish button inside custom field group

Is it possible to move the publish button out of the publish metabox, completely remove the metabox and then put the publish button inside the custom field group? Ask if you need more information, I ...
Christoffer Hansen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Enqueue and Dequeue from admin bar nodes

I developed a few nodes under my custom parent node on admin bar. While navigating on frontend and clicking on one node I'd like to enqueue some css file. The url should remain. While navigating on ...
I. Mani's user avatar
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Black admin bar is being hidden by page elements

I all of a sudden noticed while building a new WordPress theme that the black admin bar is being hidden by the header element when you scroll down and I can't fix it. I basically have a full width ...
user67087's user avatar
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admin_enqueue_scripts the same css file as wp_enqueue_style

I am using sass and grunt to merge and minify a number of scss files and using wp_enqueue_style to load the single minified css file which works fine. I have also merged the scss for the admin section,...
myol's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Adding CSS styles to Admin Area PAGES only (not POSTS or CPT)

I am using this to load css styles in the admin area (for any user who is not an administrator): function wpse_admin_styles() { if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { echo '<...
codeview's user avatar
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1 answer

Correct check for any admin page with editor

I have read the codex, but found it a bit incomplete. I like to load stuff only on pages where the post editor is visible. This should include custom post types and everything. I am a bit insure ...
NextGenThemes's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How can I target WordPress 3.8 new interface MP6 with CSS?

When MP6 was a plugin in WordPress 3.6+ it changes the body class of the admin and added an "admin-mp6" class which helps me to style my plugin accordingly. Now with the latest Alpha of WordPress 3.8 ...
Xaver's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

This CSS Stuffing Works, But Is This A Good Practice?

I am trying to include a dynamic css in my plugin, I have been searching anywhere but doesn't find any case that is similar to what I do. And what I use to do it is by adding a css file directly into ...
Ari's user avatar
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1 answer

Wordpress admin toolbar not loading styles after migration

I am really stumped by this one, have looked at various solutions online but nothing seems to work and I have the feeling I am missing something very basic. Essentially, I used manageWP to clone my ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Custom colors for post rows based on post meta value

I'm trying to have the post background colors change depending on a meta value for the specific post type rather than using the post status. Looked everywhere and can't find a solution. (perhaps there ...
Nima Moradi's user avatar
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1 answer

Passing dynamic options from backend to frontend

I have created an admin options page (using the Redux Theme Framework), in which the admin can customize the website's appearance (text color, background color, background repeat options, etc.. ). ...
user avatar
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1 answer

How to change widget's form color in admin?

I have a simple question. How to change widget's form color in admin panel of wordpress (on widgets page) to make them more unique? Here is a simple example:
user13250's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Globally register styles but enqueue them selectively

I am trying to get my theme registered stylesheets in plugin, the purpose is I want to get all stylesheets in my plugin and then manipulate those registered styles. stylesheets registered via ...
Syed's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Load plugin scripts and styles only on plugin page

Hello wordpress users, I'm stuck with a problem while running 2 self made Wordpress plugins. I'll use the following code : define('PLUGIN_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ )); add_action( '...
Ronny Rook's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Customize my custom taxonomy table in Admin panel

I've registered a new taxonomy for my custom post type, and now I'm trying to edit the taxonomy table. I've successfully removed the description column but I can't figure it out how to edit column ...
micadelli's user avatar
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How to Display Frontend CSS for Administrator only

I've been asked to restyle the css of a WordPress website frontend. The website can't be in maintenance mode while working on it as it must stay up and running all the time. I assume that if I can add ...
Baylock's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are my styles being applied to the admin area?

All my enqueued styles are applied to the back-end as well. I have never encountered this behavior before. Here's my code: wp_register_style( 'main-styles', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/css/...
tbwiii's user avatar
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Fixed layout for admin section

I would like to customize the layout of the admin section of WordPress. The thing is, whatever the layout I create, I'm very dependent of the default "fluid" layout of the admin. By fluid, I mean: ...
Baylock's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to Add Admin Bar and Admin Menu or Submenu Notification Bubbles?

What would you recommend to use as far as manipulating the admin bar goes? I was thinking to just add a new admin bar node, and with CSS set a background image for the icon. Then in the node, just ...
Michael Ecklund's user avatar
1 vote
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Adding another "Add Post" button to admin

I would like another "Add post" button in the admin except I am going to call it "Add voucher". It will run specific plugins that add post will not. However that is irrelivant, all I need to know it ...
Matthew Brennan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Selectbox in admin panel function linking to CSS

I want to link the selectbox to my CSS. Like if I click an item on the list, the background of my header will change - the header's color is in the CSS. The selectbox isn't in the html but it's in ...
Potatohead's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to fix admin stylesheet muck-up? [closed]

I have no idea what's going on here.. running the latest version, just logged in and I find my admin area looking like this: To me it looks like it's missing some/many styles and in load-styles.php ...
Damon's user avatar
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Admin Panel pagination link styles

Whenever I write plugins that use Admin Panels, I include some form of pagination using the paginate_links method and I have always been able to style them in a nice way using the suggestions on this ...
MechEngineer's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Wordpress admin stylesheet

Is there a way to override the styles in the admin in my theme? I don't want to touch the admin style sheet if I don't have to. I just want to make a column bigger in my admin, but also, to do it in ...
redconservatory's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How do I load a CSS style into WordPress admin area only?

I'm trying to load a CSS file for my WordPress post area, but having no luck. I have read over the wp_enqueue_style function and came up with the code below, but it doesn't load up. Is there a tag or ...
Kurt Bunch's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Exclude stylesheet from admin

I have been using the following function to enqueue some CSS to my theme. However, they are used in the admin area as well: wp_enqueue_style(...) I don't want them to be used in the admin area. ...
Richard's user avatar
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56 votes
6 answers

What are the standard admin CSS id/class tags?

Is there a list of WordPress CSS id/classes that I can use to build plugin option screens that look and feel more like a normal WordPress option page? I have found some through serendipity but it ...
Ole Henrik Skogstrøm's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to make a theme with more than one CSS file?

I've made my first theme and now I want to create different "profiles". These profiles are just independent CSS files that user can try. The point is, how to make these files to allow users to choose ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Styling Admin comments in WP 3.1.3

There's a lot of documentation on how to style 'autor' or 'admin' comments in WP, but most of it seems wildly outdated. I have a client for whom I am developing a Q&A site. I always figure it's ...
Lynne's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Modify CSS via Theme Control Panel

Hi to all I'm trying to create an advanced control panel for my first Wordpress template but I'm not able to add a function that I will need. The function that I'm trying to add is the possibility to ...
Downloadtaky's user avatar
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How do you modify CSS files via admin panel?

All theme styles are in style.css file. Let's say first line looks like: body { background-color: #fff; } Now, I've created an option in admin panel named body_bg. User types #000 there and I ...
Wordpressor's user avatar
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Wordpress Plugin Look & Feel

Is there a list of the ID's and Classes I can give HTML elements in the admin panel in order to closely mimic the wordpress look and feel?
Mild Fuzz's user avatar
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Adding CSS to custom post type admin page causes error

I have this bit of code in my Meteor Slides plugin that loads a stylesheet on the admin pages of just the slides custom post type: add_action('admin_head', 'meteorslides_admin_css'); function ...
JLeuze's user avatar
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