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Contact Form 7 Get Image Function [closed]

I am building our website and we are a business that sells dresses. I am looking to have an "Inquire" button for every dress that we have (we avoid posting prices). My dilemma is that a regular ...
Kevin Butalon's user avatar
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1 answer

Insert Sponsor logo in custom own theme

I'm new to wordpress. I'm creating my own theme. There is a sponsor logo area in my theme. For that case I'm going to use cr3ativ sponsor plugin. I have installed the plugin and added the sponsors ...
Maria Jeysingh Anbu's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get images using taxonomy ( WP Media Folder)

How would one go about creating a gallery page which is a gallery of galleries - using a specific photo from the subgallery as a cover for the album? This is what I have so far. I have a folder on ...
Dan's user avatar
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How generate 200% image size and save with suffix @2x

I need to know is it possible to generate 200%,200% image size and save with suffix @2x simply in WordPress? want to enable a simple retina ready theme.
Amino's user avatar
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Load external images via proxy

regarding the GDPR I would like to load the images from external sources via a proxy. I mean, via my server. So, in the end there are no connections to external servers. I haven't found a plugin yet.....
Jan's user avatar
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adding Adsense's In-Article Ads between images of blog post

My blog post contains only images like this <img class="aligncenter wp-image-567 size-full" src="..myimage_src_01.." alt="" width="960" height="960" /><br/> <img class="aligncenter wp-...
zey's user avatar
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Add "Featured Image" box in my plugin post page

I'm creating an Wordpress plugin where I'll have a fully customized custom post form. How can I add "Featured Image" box in my form? For example, wp_editor() function shows TinyMCE editor. Is there ...
Zahid Habib's user avatar
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How to get CMB2 to show a single image at a specific size

Trying to get the CMB2 plugin to display an image at the WP default medium size on the page. I can get it to display an image but that image could be any size the user wants I'd rather it was cropped ...
Noski's user avatar
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How to change Thumbnail size of next Gen Gallery plugin?

I recently installed nextgen gallery plugin . and I show my gallery with BASIC COMPACT ALBUM, but image thumb size is too small. and I want set thumbnail 300x240. I set image size with CSS but images ...
dheeraj Kumar's user avatar
1 vote
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How to upload images to WP Panel keeping correct folder in FTP

I've uploaded an 'Uploads' folder to my FTP this folder has other folders like 2015, 2016, 2017 and inside them some images. I wanna know if is there some way or plugin to make all my images show in ...
Jorge Souza's user avatar
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Upload images from custom plugin using the media modal

I'm creating a custom plugin and I need users to be able to upload multiple images. I want them to be able to do this through the built-in media page but through a modal/pop up from the plugins ...
Brandon Benefield's user avatar
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2 answers

Regenerate images with automatic ALT and TITLE attributes

I'm looking for a way to regenerate all images in media library and set ALT and TITLE to those that missing. Something like what this plugin do + what I mentioned. All codes people prepared are for ...
Amino's user avatar
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Inserting HTML tag with ACF into shortcode

Let me start off by saying that I usually make alot of research before asking publicly for help - due to likelyhood of information already being on the web - altho I've done several days of reseach ...
Pr0metheus's user avatar
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Issue to get wp_get_attachment_image with cmb2

I have a problem get the image with cmb2, I have tried in many ways without successm according to the documentation, this is fine, what can I be doing wrong? add_action( 'cmb2_admin_init', '...
Max's user avatar
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Layout shop page: resize images and columns

I've added the "WooCommerce Products Filter" plugin on my ebook store wordpress theme. I've prepared a custom page for my shop page and built the sidebar with the filter with the WP Bakery Page ...
Stefano's user avatar
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Large amount image data transfer

i've changed my hosting provider and the old one include around 25GB image data on upload folder. is possible to move all my image data to new server easily. Thanx!
buğracan's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I manage the background image of a slider based on the featured image of a page?

I have various pages with sliders and I need to give the client the ability to change those images in the sliders in a easy way. I thought on setting the slider image background based on each page ...
atempel's user avatar
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Looping through image object using ACF and CPT UI [SOLVED]

Answer Rishadan on reddit gave a simple answer to this question. I'm finding the WHY out at the ...
Brandon Benefield's user avatar
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Bulk edit WP posts to update embeded images with new alt tags

I have a client site that has approx. 2000 posts, most with 2-3 images embedded. Recently we've gone through the media gallery and given all the images proper meta data, clean titles, descriptions, ...
Tanmccuin's user avatar
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how to add "alt" for all image in wordpress

I am new to wordpress and StackExchange. I need to add alt attribute to all existing images for screen readers. But I have no idea which php file I need to work on. Also, how does wordpress make pics?...
Nobody's user avatar
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flip horizontal images in bulk

I'm using the WooCommerce plugin and I have a list of like 200+ products and I want to flip horizontally the images for every product. If I will do this manually it will take me days probably to take ...
agis's user avatar
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Does Wordpress have a way of changing the 'Natural' size of uploaded images?

So here's my problem: I have a site with several articles on the homepage, these are using the featured image as a thumbnail (roughly 250x250). Then, for a single article (single.php) I'm using the ...
Slagathor The Destroyer's user avatar
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How to upload WordPress Images to remote web server and display those images in WordPress gallery [closed]

By default, WordPress Media Uploader Gallery picks up images from the /uploads folder as given in wp-config file. I have a requirement where instead of uploading to this WordPress location, I need ...
Azerot's user avatar
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Generated Images sizes do not match Media Settings Image Size

I have the following Image Sizes defined under Media Settings: Thumbnail Size: 125x69 Medium Size: 461x257 Large Size: 1070x600 I have EWWW Image Optimizer and Regenerate Thumbnails installed on the ...
Niraj Pandey's user avatar
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3 answers

Optimize and delete images in WordPress

I've uploaded several images to my blog posts. I didn't cared about their size so I've put there even 5mb images which could be easily compressed for 200kb. I know that wordpress already processed ...
JZK's user avatar
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Upload image to wordpress using ionic/cordova with WP REST API V2

i am building mobile application with ionic and wordpress rest api v2, how to create post with image or upload image with wp rest api? i just can create post without image. Thanks
Mr Radhite's user avatar
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How do I create a full-bleed background image on text mouseover? [closed]

I have a portfolio of images I'd like to display on my home page in full bleed that corresponds to specific text that is hovered-over with the mouse. Like this site, but without the video aspect. I've ...
runion_mix's user avatar
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Images not showing after changing wp-content folder name

I renamed the wp-content folder to hamza with the ithemes plugin. But now images are showing error on the website. When I try to rename it back to wp-content through itheme plugin, it shows failure ...
Hamza's user avatar
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How do I make images clickable so as to enlarge them using lightbox?

I use markdown editor and insert an image by Insert Media, then I have, for instance, <img src="path/saint-lary-piste-map.jpg" alt="saint-lary-piste-map" width="2084" height="1288" class="...
SparkAndShine's user avatar
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3 answers

Rename existing old uploaded images containing accented French characters (not during upload)

Need to update 1,000+ images which have French characters in them. The following worked for a test post: Created a copy of the image without the FR characters Updated file name inside the ...
Robert Sinclair's user avatar
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Image change on hover

Is there any way to have an image change on hover (from image a to image b) in wordpress? I wonder if there is a plugin or a custom function I can use to perform this. P.S. -It is not a featured ...
Pragmaticoder's user avatar
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Blurry images when loading the page first time

When first time opening the images are blurry and become sharp only after a Command+R. I've tried but could not fix it with WP plugins. Any idea how to solve it? Thanks (We'...
roland_katona's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Display image from Menu Image in Walker Dropdown Select Menu

Created a custom menu list, titled Country that has flags representing countries (only Canada and USA) using the plugin Menu Image I combined this menu with Walker, to create a dropdown. I however ...
mcv's user avatar
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Get Image Having the ID [closed]

My problem is the following: I have a plugin that let people register and upload pictures but... it saves them in a metadata that can t be outputted directly with the short-codes in the plugin. The ...
Daniele Boris Cosentino's user avatar
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Image Galleries for website migrated from .com to .org

I've migrated a website from .com to .org with all of the content for a client. This client has a large amount of images that were previously arranged in various galleries on different pages. Some of ...
n1FF's user avatar
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How to add multiple images to a custom post type without plugin [closed]

I have created a custom post type and I need to add multiple images not in editor .. Is there a simple tuto can help me ..?? thnx ..
Nebil Aydi's user avatar
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How to write "alt" tag in image for wordpress code?

I want to use the code <img class="img-responsive" src="<?php echo the_post_thumbnail_url(); ?>" alt="" /> instead of <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>, to output the post thumbnail. ...
Allen Titan's user avatar
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Add padding while generating thumbnail

I wanted to know, if there is any function to handle following case: I have registered image size of 200x200, Now if user uploads 100x100 or 800x120 the thumbnail of 200x200 will not be generated. I ...
Theme Heap's user avatar
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Preview featured image using frontend post plugin

I'm using Frontier Post plugin for frontend posting and it works great, but I would like to add the following: when a user uploads/selects a featured image I would like it to be immediately displayed (...
jetgo's user avatar
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Disabling post images for not logged in users

Is there any neat way of disabling the figures/images in a certain post category until a user logs in. I want the entire post content to be visible except for the images. I'm not a programmer and I ...
Adam Robinsson's user avatar
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How to add an image from web-link?

I currently have this code from a plugin. [imdbi meta_name=poster] This cache an Image Link, and it simply display the link, I want it to display it as an image. Is this possible?
The Little Cousin's user avatar
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Is there any hook to change media html in post? [duplicate]

When I add image to a post, wordpress makes this html format in theme. <p> <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-455" src="http://localhost/pb/wp-content/uploads/20116/04/huracan-...
g13's user avatar
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Search by Attachment ID

I'm building a stock photo page for my company where we upload all photos our staff created so that it can be used later. It shows the ID of the image by post->ID so that users can see it, note it and ...
mark-in-motion's user avatar
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Add image to post

I've tried attach an image to post but my code doesn't work and I tried a lot of things, a lot of code, etc. What happen? I've tried with this: $postData = array( '...
user91068's user avatar
-2 votes
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Want to show pop up image on home page every time when i refresh it [closed]

i want to show pop up image on my home page when i open my site. And when i refresh the page it should appear again as a pop. I could not find such plugin. Is there any plugin for it ?
Nidhi's user avatar
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Woocommerce resize existing product images

We discover that our Single Product images as set in Woocommerce> Setting > Products > Display are set to big. Single Product Image: 500 ×750px xHard Crop I have tested plugin regenerate thumbnails ...
Hermants's user avatar
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How to force regenerate thumbnails in Wordpress posts?

We recently changed themes. The new theme uses different dimension thumbnails and I was a bonehead and deleted all previous thumbnail sizes. Deleting the thumbnail sizes results in many of the images ...
user3210369's user avatar
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Why isn't "background-image: url"working with Bootstrap carousel on WP?

When I made a Bootstrap carousel in plain HTML it was working just fine, but when I pasted the code into Wordpress the carousel is completely white. It's not a problem with the path because it will ...
user122552's user avatar
20 votes
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1k views - Save settings as HTML5 data-* attributes for image

What I finally want to achieve are extra settings added to the Image Details box, that will be stored in the image <img> tag as data-* attributes Example: <img src="..." data-my_setting="..."...
Kaspar Lee's user avatar
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Adding Static Image to WooCommerce Content-Single-Product template

I am trying to add some static images to the single product template in WooCommerce but they are not displaying properly. I am hooking into the woocommerce_after_single_product_summary hook and ...
Jacob McKinney's user avatar