Need to update 1,000+ images which have French characters in them.
The following worked for a test post:
- Created a copy of the image without the FR characters
- Updated file name inside the blog post's body using wp_update_post (WP function)
- Updated 'attachment meta data' using wp_update_attachment_metadata (WP function)
- Updated 'attached file' using update_attached_file (WP function)
It looks like I can just skip the:
- Updated 'attachment meta data' using wp_update_attachment_metadata (WP function)
- Updated 'attached file' using update_attached_file (WP function)
and just change the post content so it references the new images using the following code:
// Array used to update the post
$my_post = array(
'ID' => $post_ID,
'post_content' => $content_with_updated_file_name
// Update post content using the array above
wp_update_post( $my_post, true );
if (is_wp_error($post_ID)) {
$errors = $post_ID->get_error_messages();
foreach ($errors as $error) {
echo $error;
Is that the right way or should I keep updating the 'attachment meta data' and 'attached file' for every image I'm renaming?