i had to resize a lot of existing images in my upload folder (around 1k). After reuploading them, Wordpress of course, doesn't recognize the new dimensions. My approach was to just change the size in the _post_meta table. But this looks like this:
a:6{s:5:"width";s:3:"330";s:6:"height";s:4:"1067";s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='29'";s:4:"file";s:22:"2012/03/2-IMG_1540.png";s:5:"sizes";a:3:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:21:"2-IMG_1540-56x183.png"; ...
All I need to change is the "width" value of the first entry from "330" to sth. else. Although it looks like a dictionary to me I do not find a way to get access to that value in SQL.
The wp_update_attachment_metadata reference states that all data must be given as existing data will be wiped. That's the reason why I thought it would be easier to do it in SQL.
means the length of the string value is3
and the string value is330
... why not change one to test it first.