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Cropping, Re-sizing and Saving images from one folder to another folder in wordpress

I'm adding an upgrade for the WordPress plugin which I have developed ages ago. This plugin is just a product catalog, so just show products and their images. Products can have more than one images. ...
Omer's user avatar
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How to change ID of an attachment in wp_posts and its related tables correctly?

I have two posts in my wp_posts table where post_type='attachment' The picture below shows the records related to those in wp_postmeta table I need to change the IDs of those files. What I am doing ...
Eray Balkanli's user avatar
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Issue to get wp_get_attachment_image with cmb2

I have a problem get the image with cmb2, I have tried in many ways without successm according to the documentation, this is fine, what can I be doing wrong? add_action( 'cmb2_admin_init', '...
Max's user avatar
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bulk change of image setting "link to" to "link to: image url "

i want every image present on my wordpress site with setting "link to: none" or "link to: post url" became in "link to :image url" ho make this for old post and for new post ? i tried this code in ...
themich's user avatar
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Converting Attachment to Images?

I've had no problem using lightboxes before with attachment images, but I've switched to a new theme called Quicknote and it seems that attachment images now instead link to the attachment page. ...
aroooo's user avatar
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How can I restrict image upload dimensions for non-admin WordPress users?

I want to restrict the dimensions of images uploaded by anyone who is not an administrator in WordPress to a specific size. I also want to return a specific error feedback when the image uploaded ...
Patrick Aziken's user avatar
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wp_generate_attachment_metadata is creating an empty array

I'm making a custom wp plugin for image optimization. I'm at the point that you choose the image, the script starts to optimize and put the new image in the upload folder. The problem is that i can't ...
Kryuko's user avatar
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Force media library editor to overwrite the original filename?

I use the WP All Import to bring in images and stock info via XML into my store. However some of the images that come from a 3rd party system are rotated wrong. If I rotate them manually in the media ...
Fergie35's user avatar
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How generate 200% image size and save with suffix @2x

I need to know is it possible to generate 200%,200% image size and save with suffix @2x simply in WordPress? want to enable a simple retina ready theme.
Amino's user avatar
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Load external images via proxy

regarding the GDPR I would like to load the images from external sources via a proxy. I mean, via my server. So, in the end there are no connections to external servers. I haven't found a plugin yet.....
Jan's user avatar
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Add padding while generating thumbnail

I wanted to know, if there is any function to handle following case: I have registered image size of 200x200, Now if user uploads 100x100 or 800x120 the thumbnail of 200x200 will not be generated. I ...
Theme Heap's user avatar
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Retrieving Meta from Image Attachment

I currently have added a meta box to the media library popup using the following: // ADD CUSTOM INFO INSIDE THE MEDIA LIBRARY function AddLibraryFields( $form_fields, $post ) { $Added_META=...
Aaron's user avatar
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Add ALT attribute to Pin It Button image to pass HTML5 validation

I am using the Pinterest "Pin It" Button plugin so I can add to my posts/images. However, part of the Pin In button uses this code: <img border="0" class="pib-count-img" src="//assets.pinterest....
user1794295's user avatar
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Adding custom image sizes and post types to a plugin or to a theme?

I'm just getting started but want to play around in the right area practicing for a new personal site/theme. Part A: I want to add featured images (and a few new image sizes) to a blog portion of a ...
hhins's user avatar
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Make change in media library affect images in published articles

Is there any way/plugin to make wordpress change the description/alt text/caption of an image used in already written articles if I change any of those texts of that specific image in the media ...
Stephan S.'s user avatar
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Adding (image) caching to my Tumblr widget

I've hacked together a simple plugin to show the latest image from a Tumblr blog. To avoid upsetting the Tumblr API (v1), I want to cache that image within Wordpress... I think perhaps I can do this ...
James Greig's user avatar
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WP galleries in posts after import. How do I do it?

I moved the website posts with Wp All Export and All import, which worked fine, but many of the posts contained galleries (Wordpresses gallery with [gallery] shortcode). The problem is that now the ...
vicartdesign's user avatar
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How to disable hover zoom on woocommerce. None of the common methods work

I have tried these codes in child functions and style files. Nothing works. add_action( 'wp', 'divikingdom_disable_wc_zoom', 99 ); function divikingdom_disable_wc_zoom() { remove_theme_support( '...
Raj Arjit's user avatar
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How To Convert External Image URLs To Own Website's Uploaded Images Automatically?

I have a website with over 300 posts and initially I used to use external image URLs in my blogs instead of uploading it to my DB and using them. Is there any way to automatically get all the external ...
BitBit's user avatar
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how to remove share button from image overlay

does anyone know how I can remove share button from image overlay on my website ?, I already have a share button on my site, I dont want uploaded images to have share buttons too, please help
valentino's user avatar
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2 answers

How to hide featured images of all posts falling under the same category in wordpress?

Is there any plugin or alternative method to hide featured images of all the posts falling under the same category? Please guide. For example: There's a website category: Under ...
MS09's user avatar
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Copy/paste local images not working in Wordpress

This is somehow frustrating. I am ussing the latest version of Wordpress I am running my webpage, and when I need to copy-paste an image from Internet into any of my posts/pages I have no problem. ...
antecessor's user avatar
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How to add height and width to images on a page(using WP Bakery) to improve Google's CLS score?

In Google's page speed insights my CLS Score for some pages is low because of the following. "Image elements do not have explicit width and height" Set an explicit width and height on image ...
Neha Patel's user avatar
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Is classical wordpress eidtor a good option for me to include a large table with a large number of images on my webpage?

I am a beginner at using WordPress for my website. I generally design my website using the classical editor provided by WordPress and by installing very few plugins such as Beaver Builder and code ...
hanugm's user avatar
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insert og image link in wordpress post

I am trying to extraxct the og:image url is there a wordpress plugin that extract og:image url from an external webpage url i need a shortcode to insert that image in my post
Ammar Berjas's user avatar
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Is there a way to auto generate poster image for videos

I'm trying to have the poster auto generated for my videos so I don't have to keep taking screen shots of the first frame and manually adding it myself. Is there a way to do this? Reason is because ...
Guest3000's user avatar
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Optimise wordpress database using SQL after deleting registered images from Media Folder

I have used Media Cleaner Pro Plugin to clean few batches of registered images. Additionally i have updated my functions.php so these unused images will not be generated in future. function ...
kandav's user avatar
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Display Multiple Photos as Featured Image when mouse moves on to it post

I need to add some photos (3 or 4 photos) to the post thumbnail (featured image) and should be displayed image 1, 2, 3 & 4 when mouse moves on to the post thumbnail...How can I do that. Please ...
Evonlanka's user avatar
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Do images in plugins automatically load?

I have a plugin that I've written that simply provides functionality for shortcodes for images in the plugins /includes/svg folder. So essentially a page can use a short code tag to place an image in ...
Mr No's user avatar
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How to Upload images to a custom folder in upload folder using media uploader

I’m creating a plugin for a customer that will add woocommerce products from images (images currently added via FTP) in a custom folder. The user also wants to be able to create a new folder each ...
monkeyman905's user avatar
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I need to register and resize images, safe to delete plugin afterwards?

I need to register a new particular size of image for my site, something I can do like this: add_image_size( 'custom-size', 220, 180 ); However, I will need to resize previous images. I can use a ...
Henry's user avatar
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Displaying all the images from all of my articles

I'm trying to replicate that codepen but using php wordpress. Basically I want my blogpost images displaying in another div and it changes every time you select another menu. Thanks for the help. Here ...
pual's user avatar
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what functions to use to resize images and create DB metadata for them after/during upload?

I am working on my first script to create a WP post with images and upload those images to the uploads folder. I am clear about wp_insert_post and was able to upload an image to the server with ...
marcnyc's user avatar
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Product Page loads terribly slow when product gallery images are added

I have a WordPress + WooCommerce store setup and it works flawless. I recently added 3 new products and each of these products have around 10 images. I added these images in product gallery. But now ...
Samarth Agarwal's user avatar
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Wordpress create thumbnails on demand

I am having a problem with my hosting as there are too many files in it. This is basically because of wordpress creating thumbnails for every image uploaded and this has accumulated over the last 3 ...
Daniel Anton's user avatar
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WordPress how do I change images used in plugins?

One of my plugins has an ugly no-thumbnail picture. The url to this image is /wp-content/plugins/weblibrarian/images/nothumb.png I am an admin. How do I change this image, without using FTP?
Jaden Chaca's user avatar
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Implementing Scrollable Images

Sorry if this question derives subjective answers. I figure that asking on WP-SE makes this a little more forgivable. If I had asked on SO I would have had to explain why I couldn't change the block ...
Cloudbop's user avatar
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Remove special characters from filenames

I have a website that i transfered recently from one host to another. Unfortunately when i did that, i noticed that all the images that had special characters in it lik (é, è, à, ...) weren't showing ...
marouane91's user avatar
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Why is my site still showing insecure icon even if I have SSL certificate?

I have a Valid SSL certificate. My home page, About page, and Hire Page are insecure. I have found out my images on those pages are requesting and accessing an image from HTTP. I used Plugin, every ...
Rupesh Ghimire's user avatar
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Help finding a plugin - masonry type post grid

I would like to know if there exists a similar plugin to how this page lists its' products below the main banner: Talking about this module: ...
Bostjan's user avatar
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How to make cover image in post block expand to entire screen?

I want to cover the entire width of my page with the cover image block, the one where you can write on top of it. If I need to add a code, please provide the code as well for CSS class. Or is there ...
Rishabh Sharma's user avatar
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How to wrap image tag into div for post only?

I have created a function it wraps all image tag inside a div, but I want to apply it only for the post but my function wraps the page images inside a div also. // Wrap img into div function ...
Atul Rai's user avatar
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flip horizontal images in bulk

I'm using the WooCommerce plugin and I have a list of like 200+ products and I want to flip horizontally the images for every product. If I will do this manually it will take me days probably to take ...
agis's user avatar
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Does Wordpress have a way of changing the 'Natural' size of uploaded images?

So here's my problem: I have a site with several articles on the homepage, these are using the featured image as a thumbnail (roughly 250x250). Then, for a single article (single.php) I'm using the ...
Slagathor The Destroyer's user avatar
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Optimize and delete images in WordPress

I've uploaded several images to my blog posts. I didn't cared about their size so I've put there even 5mb images which could be easily compressed for 200kb. I know that wordpress already processed ...
JZK's user avatar
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Upload image to wordpress using ionic/cordova with WP REST API V2

i am building mobile application with ionic and wordpress rest api v2, how to create post with image or upload image with wp rest api? i just can create post without image. Thanks
Mr Radhite's user avatar
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Add image to post

I've tried attach an image to post but my code doesn't work and I tried a lot of things, a lot of code, etc. What happen? I've tried with this: $postData = array( '...
user91068's user avatar
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resizes images on the fly

I'm looking for a plugin that resizes images on the fly that I can call via php. I have searched the wordpress plugins for something that does this and wasn't able to find anything that was up to date ...
Alex's user avatar
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Theme Load Error

For 2 days I'm struggling and hitting my head to find out the solution but no thing. The website isn't loading images on front-page and news-ticker not working at all. I tried to re-uploading the ...
Zaher's user avatar
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export high ress images to pdf

I want to export a webpage to PDF. I'm using the wp-mpdf plugin which is based upon mpdf. The problem that I'm having is that I want to be able to export a high ress image if that is on the page. E.g....
Interactive's user avatar
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