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Block Theme: How to use a different template on front page vs paginated pages?

I'm using block themes. I'd like the front page / home / index to show some extra blocks plus the list of blog posts. However, I want the paginated pages (e.g. /page/2) to not have these extra blocks ...
TLR's user avatar
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2 answers

Subpage for Custom Post Type

I have a custom post type "location". add_action("init", "register_custom_post_types"); function register_custom_post_types() { register_post_type("location&...
Luca's user avatar
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Rewrite URL custom search query

I have this url:"SEARCH TERM"&categoria="WORDPRESS CATEGORY OF POSTS"&province="CUSTOM POST FIELD"&poblacion="CUSTOM POST FIELD" ...
Maseres's user avatar
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Custom jQuery code in Elementor page is not working on Mac os. On Windows browser work fine

Custom jQuery code in Elementor page is not working on Mac os. On Windows browser work fine. I make small jQuery script for tabs and put in Elementor page. On all Windows browsers is working fine, but ...
Pinky08's user avatar
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1 answer

Edit Page button is gone

I am using Wordpress 6.2 and I have created a blog site. I cannot see the page where the blogs on this site are displayed under the "Pages" section, and the "Edit Page" button at ...
AliOsman's user avatar
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2 answers

Create a page for each database table entries

I am creating a job board website(it is a part of the website). I have a JobOffer class with some rows in the database(added with it's form...). My problem now is to have a page for each of these ...
Brayan Tiwa's user avatar
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How can I make a search term redirect to a page

I'd like users to enter a unique number such as "756463" and it take them to a specific page. How can this be done please?
Josh Woodhall's user avatar
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How do I disable the built-in editor and automatically configure the properties of new pages?

I use a Builder plugin on the site. Members are editors and can create their own page. I want to disable Gutenberg so that they can only edit pages with Buldir. I would also disable the properties of ...
Olvas0's user avatar
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Give custom page template a custom post ID

I created several custom pages in WordPress. One displays real estate listings. When you click on the listing it opens into another custom page I created. The problem is no matter which listing I ...
Joey Lawrence's user avatar
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2 answers

Add a searchbox to the body of a page

I'm creating a website in which I need that, when I click on one of the tabs of the specific menu, and it opens, this page contains a search box in its body. My question is how can I add this search ...
user207483's user avatar
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Adding LOAD MORE on a page

So I have a blog with different pages and categories and I add each post manually and link it with the URL instead of using post grid. I only want to show 10 posts at a time and add LOAD MORE text ...
Karolina's user avatar
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Use a custom page with dynamic content as a user profile page

I'm trying to create a website with fully customised user profile pages. I've created the page which uses dynamic content to pull user custom fields into it, this works fine to view your own profile ...
jonnylucas's user avatar
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I want to embed mystream video in my wordpress site

I want to embed mystream videos in my wordpress site but when i paste the embed link in the editor, its say that they can't do that. Is there a way to do that?
Ferréol's user avatar
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How to get custom page template being edited in gutenberg editor

I want to know custom page template name (the one chosen in page attributes - template) in PHP, before page opens in order to enqueue additional scripts according to chosen template. I know how to get ...
Lovor's user avatar
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Swap home page based on user role, Elementor layout breaking

I work for a manufacturer that has normal boring consumers and wholesale dealers. We want to display a different home page for these two different audiences. Consumers will get more of a brand ...
MCDAndrew's user avatar
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Run plugins only on certain pages

I want to use my personal plugin only in some pages. If I remove the add_action function ('the_content', 'my_plugin_content'); the plugin does not show me the content of the other pages that are not ...
Luca's user avatar
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Taxonomy template is not reading

I've created a woocommerce shop by using biagiotti theme and I add a taxonomy with the follow code : // create marques taxonomy for the post type "product" function create_marque_taxonomies() { //...
sebyseb's user avatar
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Adding buttons to Add New Post and Add New Page

I want to add a button in Add New Page and Add New Post pages. Here are places I want to add items: New page's sidebar (next to Page Attributes). New post's sidebar (next to Post Attributes). New ...
antwon's user avatar
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New Page/Post Screen Opens an Existing Post

When I go to add a post or page to my WordPress site, the permalink and featured image are already populated with a 10 year old post, thus we are unable to create new content. Recent changes done on ...
Coulter Peterson's user avatar
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Selecting An image from the Media LIbrary on the frontend

I'm using Wordpress to create a research tool where archival documents are transcribed into a relational database. Part of this is a transcription interface, a custom page. What I'm trying to do (...
Sam McLean's user avatar
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2 answers

Static Page, need Last and Next links at the bottom

I am new here, I do not have a ton of experience with PHP but if I have a correct block I can work the different functions. I have a static page, currently, I have it set to display 5 snippets of ...
Jose Torres-Vega's user avatar
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Custom CSS working on home page but not on NEW created PAGE

I have this WP website with a lot of custom css. Everything works fine at the home page. Which is the the last mentioned link. To finish the project I created the ...
Darius Mann's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I create a Custom Page? (not a page template!!)

I would like to have inside my theme folder, a folder where I can leave all the portion of code and snippets that I don't want to use anymore or I just want to save for a while, and accessible every ...
Antonino Lattene's user avatar
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Added a ACF field to custom page and want the results to show as a column in admin

A developer made a custom page for our wordpress site and I've added a custom field at the top titled Serial Number. I want to add this field as a column to the admin page between Date Registered ...
user avatar
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1 answer

Insert menu with a custom walker into page / post body using shortcode?

I'm trying to add a menu using a custom walker class into a page or post body and settled on using a shortcode. I don't have to use a shortcode, but I do have to embed the menu into the central ...
rambillo's user avatar
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Control Content On Non-Blog Pages

I'm new to WordPress, trying to learn it's capabilities. My Goal My goal is to make a normal website but have it's content (text and images) be adjustable by the user / client, managed content. An ...
Kenny's user avatar
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Show post count in custom taxonomy page

How can I show the post count in a taxonomy page. I tried some codes but I could not get success. I will locate this information on the top of taxonomy page. foreach ( get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), '...
Ramin Mahmudov's user avatar
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3 answers

Featured Image not changing

Here is what the situation with my featured image. When I try to change the featured on my site. It doesn't change at all. Here is how I currently try to change the featured image on my page: I ...
Kevin Davis's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem with deleting a "Page"

My developer/designer is being a problem and won't tweek changes to my site... changes I can't do myself because I don't have FTP level ability (if that's the word?). I can only make basic changes ...
Cameron Scholes's user avatar
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Put page on Archived statut after end of publication date

I’m looking for a way to put pages on archived statut after expiration of the publication date. First, I add archived statut to the platform (code below). This statut appear if the page is published. ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Displaying posts inside table having issues

I am trying to create a comparsion table like the attached image. But it was not working like in the image. for that i have done following code what i am getting is not like the image for example the ...
James Paul's user avatar
-1 votes
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custom post type single page template not working

I created a page portfolio and select template Portfolio Template My portfolio page does not access the template-portfolio.php file. In which also includes content-portfolio.php in template parts ...
M Faizan Faizi's user avatar
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post and page and custom post type

I have been struggling with this, please correct me if I am wrong Posts are used for time sensitive information - like blog posts Pages are used for non transitive information - like about us and ...
Bipin Gaur's user avatar
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wordpress custom posts page not showing

In Wordpress I created 2 templates : The first template is a custom homepage The second template is custom page for for post results(search by category, search by keywords) After that I specified ...
Amine Messaoudi's user avatar
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How to create "custom page types" with different custom fields in them?

I have lots of pages that perform very different purposes in my website (landing pages, thank you pages, regular website pages, webinar pages, etc). As such, I would like to group my pages into ...
Drewdavid's user avatar
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How Do I Find & Remove H1 From Site-Title-Wrapper? [closed]

Good Afternoon, I am having difficulty removing a duplicate H1 tag, which is located in my Site-Title-Wrapper, per source code. When I access "Edit Theme" and load the "site-title.php" I can see the ...
OptimizedValue's user avatar
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How can I make a category function as a page?

I apologize if this is a simple question but I'm entirely new to the website-building process. I have no prior experience. That being said, if the answer requires complicated HTML or CSS, then it won'...
Marcus Miguel's user avatar
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How to create custom search page

So I'm trying to make my search.php file loop through three custom post types when doing a search. I currently have three cpts , post, anime, peliculas and I'm currently using a function that will ...
Kirasiris's user avatar
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custom meta box for page default template

I'm having issues getting some custom meta boxes to display on the page default template. I want these meta boxes to only display on the default template and disappear when the user chooses a ...
lblankenship's user avatar
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2 answers

How to serve an already coded html page in a WP page, to assign a simpler url

Is it possible to use WordPress to serve up a hard coded page that already exists? The goal is that we want to make some simple shorter urls but not have a huge mess in the root directory of our ...
Thora's user avatar
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Split Conference Wordpress Page in different years

let's assume I have a page called This would be a bad way of doing it since the conference is being held every year. What am I supposed to do if I want to split the Wordpress ...
Preprocezzor's user avatar
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View Private Published Page with URL Code (no login required)

The goal is to easily allow for larger entities/clients to review content without having to have a user login/account for every project stack holder involved by providing a single URL to the final ...
Amber Lynn's user avatar
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disable Tab post on nav-menus page (Admin)

Looking for to hide post on nav-menus page like in the picture. I tried admin Adminimize but it's does not work. so I'm looking for a custom code to add on functions.php
Samuel's user avatar
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Custom protected password page with ACF

I need some help if it's possible. Each page of my website are protected with a password, i use protected password page. Page link : You can see the custom ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Creating php pages in wordpress and assigning them to wordpress pages

/I have few pages in my wordpress site which should contain some php code. For example news page. In my front-page.php I have a while which loops trough all posts and prints few news. In my news ...
Giedrius's user avatar
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WordPress Twenty-Fourteen: How to Remove Home Page Header Image from Other Pages

Can you WordPress Gurus please help! I have tried adding some code suggestions found on the web to my style.css file in my theme folder to solve my problems but they have no effect. I've have so far ...
Genius's user avatar
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Create subpage /user/ or /my-profile/ like /author/ with additional query like /user/user123

I am creating some project and because of task, I need this: - return profile of "user123" with his personal info - return profile of current logged ...
Doctore's user avatar
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What is the most idiomatic way to let clients edit phrases in HTML?

I added HTML banners to the top of certain pages on a client's site. He wants to make edits to the text phrases on these banners without having to edit any HTML. How do I open this up for him? In the ...
Lincoln Bergeson's user avatar
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How to add custom meta box when you have a custom page template file

I've been trying to add a custom meta box in the Edit Page panel for a page using a specific template, in this case front-page.php. I have attempted to use both get_page_template_slug( $post_id ) and ...
signif_3223's user avatar
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How to associate dynamic PHP page for chosen Wordpress tag?

I create some dynamic pages in Wordpress through PHP. Lots of them. Those are not visible in Wordpress backend, as all the data is taken from different database. Each of them use signle PHP template, ...
orsz's user avatar
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