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3 answers

How to add html attributes to the "ul" html tag with "wp_nav_menu" function?

I'm trying to improve my learning WordPress is very new, and the first theme. My problem is, With the function "wp_nav_menu" into the "ul" tag, data-hover = "dropdown" data-animations = "zoomIn ...
hmtkyn's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove a menu sub-item

I want to remove a menu sub-item. But i cant'find the right item to delete. It is a plug caled "New User Approve". And the slug is :/wp-admin/users.php?page=new-user-approve-admin I don't want to ...
Arnolddew's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I create a root link in wordpress to a PDF file?

I want to upload my resume to media (which I have done) but link it directly to I want that link to display the PDF ideally or if not possible to redirect to a URL (the resume is ...
dlite922's user avatar
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Adding images to anchors in the list created and fetched with wp_nav_menu

I have created a custom menu which is usable from the wp-admin. I call it using wp_nav_menu and the menu is created in an ul as text-only links. I wonder if there is a way to change these text-links ...
emcolsson's user avatar
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WordPress menu walker - Get parent item text inside end_lvl function

I have a parent menu item which is taxonomy name. I want to add in a mega menu with a featured post from the menu taxonomy in the left of the sub menu. This code works and shows displays the html ...
BenB's user avatar
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Position a hard-coded menu item

I used a piece of code I found here in wordpress.stackexchange to add a custom link to my menu/nav. I adapted to my needs and it works great. The problem is it adds the link in the first position in ...
user3196758's user avatar
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How can i create menu like in the example?

i try to create menu loop with structure like below, but i cant, default function wp_nav_menu doesn't allow to do that, i don't understand hot to do it. I need structure like in example with data-...
Anton Essential's user avatar
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HTML TO WP Theme : Submenu goes down wp_nav_menu

I have to convert a html to wp but there is an issue sub menu is not working properly.I am newbie but I have done something for that still not success. header.php Code <nav class="navbar ...
Vasim Shaikh's user avatar
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How can I get the page url slug when 'post_name' returns an id?

I have the following code: $menu = get_term( $locations[$theme_location], 'nav_menu' ); $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu->term_id); foreach( $menu_items as $menu_item ) { $link = $...
afilbert's user avatar
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1 answer

how to hard link to the posts page?

I am setting up Wordpress site for a client with very limited options for her to edit. As a part of this customized and very limited setup, I have created front-page.php and I am hard-coding the ...
Natalia's user avatar
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Wordpress custom dropdown listings

I have a site with a database of repair shops, by; Manufacturer - Venue I want 2 dropdown lists at the home page. In the first dropdown, when i select the "Apple" the second list appears in the ...
ReMoTe's user avatar
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2 answers

Add a data attribute to list item element in menu

Looking to add a data attribute to a list item in a menu, I can see that some threads on here can add it to the actual <a> link tag, I am looking to add it to the list item itself <li> So ...
neilgee's user avatar
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2 answers

Putting <a> tag outside <li> tag on generated Menu

I'm trying to make a social links menu for the footer in my theme. I want a menu to be customisable in Dashboard, I want the links to be relative to what's put in there. Originally to get that, I did ...
insidesin's user avatar
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Child Theme header1.php file not overwriting parent theme's header1.php file

I am trying to add a custom header navigation to a WordPress site using a child theme (I'm using the Alphabet theme). I determined that I am using the header1.php file according to the styling inside ...
gallifrey1212's user avatar
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2 answers

How to request container_class from wp_nav_menu

I'm currently trying to setup a custom nav walker that will use container_class from the menu as a prefix for the class names of the list items and children. $defaults = array( 'menu' =>...
550's user avatar
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1 answer

Only append custom classes to nav menu items

I was reviewing this extremely helpful post on cleaning up WP-generated classes and ids from the nav menu, and found RevelationTravis's option-- see code below-- to be particularly good as a way to ...
nickpish's user avatar
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3 answers

On which hook should I be calling register_nav_menu(s)?

I've variously seen register_nav_menus() called: on after_setup_theme on init pasted "loose" into functions.php with no apparent change in functionality. Which hook should I be using to call this ...
Isaac Lubow's user avatar
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How to undo the last changes to a custom menu?

I have a wordpress site with a custom menu. When I want to add a page or something to the menu, I click appearance, add the item, then drag it to the right location. This time when I did it the menu ...
user38365's user avatar
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Sub menu indicator that links to sub menu

I am trying to create a custom mobile menu for my wordpress site. I have looked around the net for an answer and found similar things or different ways that I can accomplish this but not in the way ...
DomCan's user avatar
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Blog Posts in Custom Menu

I have a custom menu but would like to put specific posts on each one. for example: my menu consists of: cooking, beauty and style. How can i put all cooking posts on the cooking tab, and all beauty ...
ing's user avatar
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2 answers

Add custom html to last sub-menu item

I'm adding a custom menu to my wordpress theme. I need to add custom html to the final submenu item - before the primary sub-menu closes </ul> I have registered my new menu //functions.php ...
RobBenz's user avatar
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Navigation label for page in custom theme

In Appearance -> Menus, one can change a page´s navigation label. The label is what shows in the menus. However, i´m using a theme with a custom menu, always showing the full page´s title in the menu. ...
Gregor G.'s user avatar
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Custom Navigation build using wp_nav_menu and walker

What I have Right now I have an old template in plain HTML. In there I use a custom Navigation menu built like this: <div class="collapse navbar-collapse main-menu main-menu-1" id="main-menu"> ...
ismaelw's user avatar
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Add data-id attribute to child page links

The should be simple but I just can't figure it out nor find an answer. I need to add a data-id attribute to the <li> parent container of the respective child page <a> links. The HTML is ...
DaveyJake's user avatar
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Menu not appearing in custom theme

I made a custom theme, but the menu is not showing in appearance section. I created a separate function file named function.php and the code is: add_theme_support( 'menus' ); function ...
Sajjad Khan's user avatar
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How do I display entries in the top menu based on conditions selected in the sidebar menu?

Hi. I don't know ajax programming. I know HTML, CSS, little bit of php(so much that I am editing and customizing all the default themes, and learning along the way). I have attached the UI of the ...
A Kashyap's user avatar
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1 answer

How can i display custom menu in sidebar?

I would like to display a custom menu in a custom sidebar instead of author information or blank space i.e custom menu with similar styles as default menu but only in vertical manner as displayed in ...
Shahrukh Khan's user avatar
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Buddypress: New Tab and Page (Members Profile) [closed]

I want to add some pages/tabs to the user's buddypress profile. I'm using the following function to get at least one page working: function my_bp_nav_adder() { global $bp; ...
ezkay's user avatar
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1 answer

removing extra mobile menu from the header

I have installed burger theme and modified some template files to my needs. when I came to header, I decided to go with a simple bootstrap navigation bar, that doesn't require an extra menu. I took an ...
Anton Kastritskiy's user avatar
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How to have multiple Wordpress Menus

If possible, could someone answer this in very easy steps as I am new to coding. I was wandering if there is an easy method for having multiple menus in any theme; I have been searching the internet ...
Miss. Guest's user avatar
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Programmatically (PHP) get the nr. of items in the primary navigation menu

I need to get the nr. of items in the primary navigation menu. I need this to determine the width in percentage of each list item. So I also need to change/add to the css width attribute of the list ...
Mikey's user avatar
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1 answer

How to move menu next to left of the search box?

I use Woocommerce plugin and StoreFront theme to build my demo website at I want to move the current menu to another place - on the left next to the search box on the ...
Nam G VU's user avatar
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How to work around the bug which prevents custom menus from being deleted?

A bug makes it impossible to delete a custom menu in the expected way: select menu, click Delete Menu. This has never worked for me on any WP site in any version of WP; it produces an Error 403 and ...
Patty J. Ayers's user avatar
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Class .current-menu-item in custom menu Walker

I'm building a blog using a custom walker for my submenu which looks like this: class Submenu_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu { function start_el ( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array(),...
ronnyrr's user avatar
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3 answers

Theme for subcategories

I am working with categories (cities) and subcategories with the same menu (for example: cars, animals, houses). Therefore right now my categories structure looks like this: - London -- cars -- ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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2 answers

Add static item to wp_nav_menu

I am trying to add static menu item to Wordpress Menu.I am using filter 'wp_nav_menu_items' for this in functions.php. It works but it doesn't put it under menu container tag. function ...
drgky's user avatar
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4 answers

How to add active state to the navigation links?

I am trying to add active states for my custom menu navigation, but so far everything I try is just not working. I have set the navigation menu in a separate file nav.php, then I included the nav.php ...
Steven Donea's user avatar
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How to add wechat (weixin) link to navigation menu?

The profile link of WeChat (or Weixin) has the following format: weixin://contacts/profile/username As you can see, it doesn't use http:// and that seems to be the reason that it cannot be added to ...
user avatar
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Walker class: Problems with understanding how walk() method can be called without error

I am struggling with understanding how WordPress uses the Walker class. In particular, I don't understand the walk() method (I think). First, let me explain what I understood: When calling ...
Sven's user avatar
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how to display wordpress navbar with top menu outside wordpress system

i want to display my wordpress top navbar outside of wordpress system in one of my php site, so that whenever i change the wordpress navbar the changes will reflect on my php site. How to do that? I ...
Manindra Singh's user avatar
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Get custom classes in Wordpress Navigation Menu

i'm a beginner to Wordpress. I have a question is how to get only classes we put in CSS classes box in Navigation Menu? Not all with the default Wordpress classes. The purpose of this is i want to ...
Jane Brye's user avatar
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Custom Admin Menu Order

I have a simple solution in my functions.php for reordering the admin menu. Here it is: // Admin menu - reorder function custom_menu_order($menu_ord){ if (!$menu_ord) return true; return array( ...
bcoyour's user avatar
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Wordpress Menu Exchange On Tablet's Orientation

I am using the plugin PHP Browser Detection and I want to achieve different menus for different devices. I have set them up called primary and mobile. Now, I want to switch those on used device. ...
vega's user avatar
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Wordpress Menu Exchange for Mobile Layout

I want to have two different menus for desktop and mobile phone users. So, I have created two places for two menus (primary, mobile) with this function: functions.php: function is_register_my_menus(...
vega's user avatar
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Menu is not visible in appearance

I have added following code to my function.php function register_my_menu() { register_nav_menu('header-menu',__( 'Menu' )); } add_action( 'init', 'register_my_menu' ); And here is my code where ...
Rohil_PHPBeginner's user avatar
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How to add custom classes to more than one separate menu's a link in wordpress?

Here is a link to my website: website I have placed the following code to this document in /wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php Towards the end of the code are several lines that start with $...
Kyle Poyser's user avatar
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Filter to hook into menu <li> items and add a custom attribute

I'm using Foundation as a base and starter theme. I'm trying to build and I can't seem to figure out how to hook into the menu that WordPress outputs and add a custom attribute to that menu's <li&...
Adriano C R's user avatar
2 votes
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Change HTML structure for custom menu in sidebar

I've been digging for documentation on how to change HTML output for the "Custom menu" which you place in optional widget. So its clear what I meen I have attached an image of the widget block here: ...
user3751508's user avatar
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Extend walker - navigation, adding data attribute to a tag

I would a data attribute to the a tag in the menu, like have <a href="#example" data-attribute="attribute">CLICK</a> I know that I have to extend the Walker BUT I tried in several times ...
dborghez's user avatar
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I can't add more pages to menu - menu delete pages

Two days ago I decided to add three more pages to the menu on my site. I already had like 140 pages in the menu, so this is something I know how to do. But I hadn't done it in some months, so maybe ...
Marteens's user avatar