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How can I keep a WordPress dropdown menu open when navigating to a child page?

I'm using WordPress with the Astra theme (free version), along with Elementor Header & Footer Builder (free version) and the WP Mobile Menu (free version). I've set up a dropdown menu, but it ...
Maithilee's user avatar
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Create survey that redirects to sidebar menu customized to answers

EXPLAINED: I want to create a survey for my users about who they are and what they most want to get out of my services. After the survey is completed I would like the users to be redirected to a page ...
Jasmine Vary's user avatar
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How can I pass value to function in add_menu_page?

I was use to pass value to function for the below menu. add_menu_page('Competition Manager 2013-2014', '2013-2014', 'manage_options', 'manager_2013_2014', 'manager_2013_2014', plugins_url( '...
sanilts's user avatar
2 votes
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Delete a specific item menu when I deactivate my plugin

When I activate my plugin (register_activation_hook), I add a new specific page and a corresponding item menu in the custom menu. No problem here. When I deactivate my plugin (...
Gilles Vauvarin's user avatar
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WPML Plugin Not displaying multilingual Menus

I'm using WordPress 3.0 Menus, which the WPML (wordpress multilingual) plugin claims to have added support for in a recent release. I am using the most current version of the plugin. My problem is ...
Brian's user avatar
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