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wordpress Search function is not working

My wordpress Website Version is 2.8.1,This is the Custom wordpress website done by 2 years ago.[Link Removed... i got Solution][1]Now Search functionality is not working(It was working well earlier.) ...
Ramkumar M's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Option value not getting updated until page refresh in WordPress

I am building my WordPress plugin. There, at first I am using a checkbox, and then updating the value from the checkbox (yes or no) in the Database. Then, from later on I am fetching the value form ...
Rajin Sharwar's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

How to tweak a plugin without preventing it from updating

I am using the Simplelightbox plugin (Plugin URL or Homepage URL) on my site: On that page I have a picture gallery that is using the Lightbox and then right ...
Josh Rodgers's user avatar
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is_plugin_active() not defined on active plugin, in the thumbnails.php file

When I try to access the details on a product using WooCommerce I get this error message. Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_plugin_active() in /home2/samiam/public_html/wp-content/...
OverBakedToast's user avatar
-1 votes
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WP Members additional fields on user profile [closed]

i want to have a limited set of fields during the registration process, but would still like additional fields available for the user to complete in the user profile.these are not required fields. as ...
arshidok's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

What is wrong with this dbDelta syntax?

I know there's a million questions about this, but I've searched a bunch and haven't found any solutions that fix my problem. This is the function which I hook upon plugin activation: global $wpdb; $...
Justin Folvarcik's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Call a function with href

Is there any way to call a function inside plugin with <a href='plugin-function'> tag? I need this to show user details which will not be bound to any action hook.
Nimbuz's user avatar
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Adminimize Plugin -- Is there an alternative to limiting Editor to 'Appearance > Widgets' only?

Adminimize > Menu Options: I want to grant access to "Appearance > Widgets" only to select users (but not Themes, Editor, Add New Themes; nor Plugins, Settings). Although I have selected this in the ...
Avonnes's user avatar
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Make plugin admin page visible to other roles

I have created a plugin that I want users with the role of 'Editor' to be able to see and use in their admin panel.Currently, only administrators can see and use this plugin. I believe it has ...
Pelle Nilsen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Integrate Razorpay quick payments plugin with contact form7 plugin

I'm using a Contact form7 and Razorpay quick checkout plugin in WordPress. The shortcode for it is [RZP]. Help me use this in contact form7. What I have tried is in the functions.php of contact-form-...
Ashutosh's user avatar
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2 answers

Woocommerce - Product Description heading [closed]

Currently when I view one of my products and scroll down to read the description below the tabs and above the text I have input, it has a heading which simply says description when I look at the code ...
SupGen's user avatar
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1 answer

Send email notification when meet the condition

I have two post type named ‘post-type-one’ and ‘post-type-two.' Both post type has exact similar category a,b,c,d,e I want when a post publish under category ‘a’ on ‘post-type-one' send a email ...
rasel mahmud's user avatar
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Woocommerce disable checkout on specific day

I'm searching for a plugin or code snippet to disable the checkout of one of my clients webshops to disable the checkout on a specific day of the week. I couldn't talk it out of their head so it ...
Breus's user avatar
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1 answer

How to declare this function correctly?

Need to write this as functions to create a plugin and use an action hook to the plug-in in template page. function my_frontend_custom_post( $new_post ) { <?php if ( isset( $_POST['submitted'] )...
10Y01's user avatar
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1 answer

Sync roles across several plugins

Here is the setup: I am implementing Wordpress with two specific plugins: Ultimate Members and Yith Vendors which is a woocommece addon. What I need to do is change a field's data in the database ...
user2197724's user avatar
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Wordpress function to add text

I m using this simple function to add text to my wordpress site post ! add_filter( 'afip_new_post_content', 'myprefix_change_afip_post_content', 10, 2 ); /* Grabs the image source for the newly ...
pradip's user avatar
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1 answer

Display Video as Post Thumbnail

I use the Nova free theme, from the Theme in Progress studio. I would like to display a video like a thumbnail image, as shown in this theme How can I do this? ...
user45451's user avatar
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Notifications Bar on home page only

Is it possible to create an "Alert" button that can be turned on and off thru wp-admin. Of course the "Alert" button im asking for is to be published at the main page, but can only be turned on when ...
M3o's user avatar
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1 answer

filter just a portion of plugin function

I'm trying to edit just a few pieces of bbpress' breadcrumb default settings, but the filters I've tried end up replacing the whole function. How do you replace only bits? Here is the filter as it ...
kristina childs's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to delete posts older than one year with post meta, post attachments and files?

Can anybody help me with a function to delete posts older than one year with postmeta, attachements and files? Tnx
Grandeto's user avatar
-2 votes
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Requires PHP version 5.3.0

When I try to install "Background Manager" plugin I am getting this error "The plugin "Background Manager" requires PHP version 5.3.0 or better, but version 5.2.17 was detected". Could anyone suggest ...
Thejdeep's user avatar
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1 answer

Wordpress: code structure

EDIT: I've posted them separately here… and here…. I'll vote to delete this one. I'm working on a Wordpress ...
ptf's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't modify plugin function

Is there any possible way that could help me overwrite or redeclare a function inside a plugin? I tried to create a folder with its name inside the child theme, but it did nothing. The original path ...
mocimas's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

PHP if url extension action=discussion condition use [closed]

I want use some style only for url extension /?action=discussion How can I use it by PHP condition?
Md WpExperts's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Adding a script & php to functions.php

I usually work with javascript and never php. My task is to add this script/php code to woocommerce. <?php $ImageUrl = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $loop->post->ID )...
Jonathan Corrin's user avatar

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