I m using this simple function to add text to my wordpress site post !
add_filter( 'afip_new_post_content', 'myprefix_change_afip_post_content', 10, 2 );
/* Grabs the image source for the newly created image and inserts it
* into the new post content along with a one line paragraph. */
function myprefix_change_afip_post_content( $post_content, $attachment_id ) {
$my_uploaded_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id );
$post_content = '<p>This is my new uploaded image....</p>';
return $post_content;
I'm trying to add the title , the author and the date to
$post_content = '<p>This is my new uploaded image....</p>';
How do i insert wordpress post title , post author and the date to the above text
$post_content = ‘This post – $post_title() ; is uploaded by the_author() on the_time() on category the_category()
? That is not a Core hook.