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Templates & CSS - Proper Programming Practice?

I've worked with WP/html/css casually for a long while but never dug deep before, I have a few questions about good practices. My Background - totally skip this if uninterested I've been left ...
Murkantilism's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating custom post-listing templates in twentyseventeen child theme

I'm using a child theme based on 'Twenty Seventeen' and have created a custom post type ('review'). I want to make two Pages, one which lists 'reviews' and the other which lists a mixture of 'posts' ...
Phil Gyford's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Hide Front-End Admin Bar Including 32 px Spacing

I have a custom template and I inserted the following snippet to get rid of the admin bar for the page: function hide_admin_bar(){ return false; } add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', 'hide_admin_bar' ); ...
Adam's user avatar
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Creating new templates in child themes breaks layout

I am learning how to create new templates in WP. I am using a child theme of Twenty Eleven. My problem is that whenever I create a new template the layout breaks. For debugging I stopped using any ...
hyperknot's user avatar
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