Linked Questions

5 votes
3 answers

Only allow administrators and editors to access wp-admin

I am trying to restrict access to wp-admin so that only administrators and editors are allowed. At the moment I am using this function: function restrict_admin(){ //if not administrator, kill ...
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1 answer

Does jQuery/Ajax send cookies when using the rest API or do I need to somehow add them?

I've run into an odd situation with user capabilities. I have set up a rest endpoint on my local computer and am the super admin. The rest endpoint is called and the first thing it does is see if ...
Matthew Brown aka Lord Matt's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Hide from specific role the top admin bar new button

How can I hide at the top admin bar the "new button" which is a shortcut to publish new posts, new pages etc. I will hide from a specific role, but being new to WordPress, I am looking for the ...
Ângelo Rigo's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I apply/target CSS to a specific user role or roles?

How would I apply some front end CSS to a specific user role or roles?
Pete's user avatar
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0 votes
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How to restrict access to a page?

I am developing a page in WordPress. In functions.php file I have this: function feed_add_notmusa() { add_feed('mypage', 'mypage_function'); } function mypage_function() { get_template_part('/...
skycomputer2's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Redirect already logged in users away from a page to a specific page base on user role

I'm trying to accomplish this simple task through different plugins, but I can't find the right one for different reasons. I have a Login Page with a login form. When user logs in, he's redirected to ...
Paolo Montalto's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to filter comments in a post so a user can only see the comments they have written?

I am relatively new to wordpress, and coding, and I am working on a site where the users will need to leave comments for certain posts, but the person I am building the site for wants the user to only ...
Keith Pocock's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Change logo url based on WP user role

I want to be able to change the WordPress default logo url (not the logo image) based on the user role. The image/logo will remain the same, only the url will change. Any assistance or ideas will be ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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1 answer

Do not execute If User is login as Administrator or any Specific Role

How can I not execute some <script> </script> if the user is an administrator or any specific role? Basically I need to do something like this: <?php if( !User( 'Administrator', '...
The Little Cousin's user avatar
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0 answers

How to hide Submit a deal button on redeal aka rehub theme for non-admins?

What is the easiest way to hide "Submit a deal" button on redeal aka rehub theme for everyone but admin? I am new to wordpress, not able to find anything in documentation of rehub but I read ...
Mathematics's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Show modal only to some roles

I would like to open a modal/popup on my homepage but only to specific users using their roles. I have a plugin (CP Poll) and I would like only some people to see it. It gives me a shortcode. For ...
ferdi_'s user avatar
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