I am attempting to post some java code between pre tags but the angel brackets get removed. For example:

private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> featureCounts;


private HashMap> featureCounts;

Is there a way I can render the actual code? Also I am not a php developer or a wordpress expert by any means, so modifying the underlying php would be less preferred as a solution. Is there a way I can do this just using the editor?

  • If you don't mind a wiki-like syntax, you might give BlogText a try. I wrote this plugin (partially) to solve exactly your problem (as I'm a developer myself). Commented Mar 28, 2013 at 9:43

2 Answers 2


If you're just trying to display them in a page or a post, you could try using their character entities. In the Text view in the editor, type &lt; instead of < and &gt; instead of >.

So, for instance, in your editor's Text view (not the Visual mode), you'd type:

private HashMap&lt;String, HashMap&lt;String, Integer&gt;&gt; featureCounts;

And that should do it.


you could try adding your code to a string, then using the php function htmlspecialchars()

$thecode = "private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>> featureCounts;\n";
$thecode.= "2nd line of code\n";
$thecode.= "3rd line of code\n";
$thecode.= "4th line of code\n";

the trim() function will remove any whitespace at the start & end of the string.

<pre><?php echo trim(htmlspecialchars($thecode));?></pre>

hope that helps.

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