I'm unable to devine what's causing my theme to crash in WP 2.9.2, although I know its something in my query statement below, so I need to do a version check for (version) < 3 to branch it.

What is the method to get the currently installed WP version? - I'm just using "wp_version" as a stand in :)

if(wp_version < 3)
    $myqueryTopMenu = '';
    $myqueryTopMenu = new WP_Query();$myqueryTopMenu->query(array('cat' => "$cat,-$catHidden",'post_not_in' => get_option('sticky_posts')));

1 Answer 1


get_bloginfo( 'version' )

Other version globals can be found in wp-includes/version.php

Also, it's safer to use PHP's version_compare().

  • Found out a better way. See updated answer.
    – scribu
    Commented Feb 16, 2011 at 9:36

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