Textdomain Error
The error message mean, that you haven't a textdomain. There is required for translation of this string. In the first error message is the problem the missing textdomain on the function _n_noop()
Right usage as example below.
_n_noop( 'Security Release', 'Security Releases', 'your_textdomain' );
Text Domain
Information about the textdomain find you in the codex, the i18n part.
If you're translating a plugin or a theme, you'll need to use a text
domain to denote all text belonging to that plugin. This increases
portability and plays better with already existing WordPress tools.
The text domain must match the “slug” of the plugin.
Line ending error
Your second error is line ending problem. This create problems on several usage, also on the repository from wp.org. You can change this normally with your editor.