I am trying to make a "contributors" page where there is a list of authors and the categories they have posted in.
I am able to use this code to do this for a single author on a single post page:
$cat_array = array();
'author' => get_the_author_meta('id'),
$author_posts = get_posts($args);
if( $author_posts ) {
foreach ($author_posts as $author_post ) {
foreach(get_the_category($author_post->ID) as $category) {
$cat_array[$category->term_id] = $category->term_id;
$cat_ids = implode(',', $cat_array);
$output = strtr( wp_list_categories( 'include='.$cat_ids.'&title_li=&style=none&echo=0' ), array( '<br />' => ' / ' ) );
echo preg_replace( '@\s/\s\n$@', '', $output );
But when I try and plug that bit into my list authors function (so that each author in the list has their respective categories displayed) The list of categories displays at the top of the page (not in the div where I put the code) and in the div where it's supposed to display, it simply says "array". I think this is a question of syntax as I am kind of a PHP newb.
Here is the list authors function:
//My List Authors Function
function my_list_authors($args = '') {
global $wpdb;
global $wp_query;
$author = get_query_var('author');
function authorCats() {
$categories = $wpdb->get_results("
SELECT DISTINCT(terms.term_id) as ID, terms.name, terms.slug, tax.description
FROM $wpdb->posts as posts
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships as relationships ON posts.ID = relationships.object_ID
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy as tax ON relationships.term_taxonomy_id = tax.term_taxonomy_id
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->terms as terms ON tax.term_id = terms.term_id
posts.post_status = 'publish' AND
posts.post_author = '$author' AND
tax.taxonomy = 'category' )
ORDER BY terms.name ASC
foreach($categories as $category) :
echo '<li>
<a href="'.get_category_link( $category->ID ).'" title="'.$category->name.'">
$defaults = array(
'optioncount' => false, 'exclude_admin' => true,
'show_fullname' => false, 'hide_empty' => true,
'feed' => '', 'feed_image' => '', 'feed_type' => '', 'echo' => true,
'style' => 'list', 'html' => true
$r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract($r, EXTR_SKIP);
$return = '';
/** @todo Move select to get_authors(). */
$users = get_users_of_blog();
$author_ids = array();
foreach ( (array) $users as $user )
$author_ids[] = $user->user_id;
if ( count($author_ids) > 0 ) {
$author_ids = implode(',', $author_ids );
$authors = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, user_nicename from $wpdb->users WHERE ID IN($author_ids) " . ($exclude_admin ? "AND user_login <> 'admin' " : '') . "ORDER BY display_name" );
} else {
$authors = array();
$author_count = array();
foreach ( (array) $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT post_author, COUNT(ID) AS count FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'post' AND " . get_private_posts_cap_sql( 'post' ) . " GROUP BY post_author") as $row )
$author_count[$row->post_author] = $row->count;
foreach ( (array) $authors as $author ) {
$link = '';
$author = get_userdata( $author->ID );
$posts = (isset($author_count[$author->ID])) ? $author_count[$author->ID] : 0;
$name = $author->display_name;
if ( $show_fullname && ($author->first_name != '' && $author->last_name != '') )
$name = "$author->first_name $author->last_name";
if( !$html ) {
if ( $posts == 0 ) {
if ( ! $hide_empty )
$return .= $name . ', ';
} else
$return .= $name . ', ';
// No need to go further to process HTML.
$authorAvatar = get_avatar($author->ID);
if ( !($posts == 0 && $hide_empty) && 'list' == $style )
$return .= '
<div class="authorBox">
<td class="authorLabel">Founder & Editor:</td>
<td class="authorData"><a href="#">'.$author->nickname.'</a></td>
<td class="authorLabel">Location:</td>
<td class="authorData">'. $author->location .'</td>
<td class="authorLabel">Industry:</td>
<td class="authorData">Advertising</td>
if ( $author->twitter != '' ) {
$return .=
<td class="authorLabel">Website:</td>
<td class="authorData"><a href="#">'.$author->user_url.'</a></td>
<tr class="last">
<td class="authorLabel">Twitter:</td>
<td class="authorData"><a href="#">'.$author->twitter.'</a></td>
} else {
$return .= '
<tr class="last">
<td class="authorLabel">Website:</td>
<td class="authorData"><a href="#">'.$author->user_url.'</a></td>
$return .= '
<div class="bioBox">
<li class="bioTab"><a>Bio</a> <span></span></li>
<li class="thinkingTab"><a>Thinking About</a> <span></span></li>
<li><a>Articles</a> <span></span></li>
<li><a>Reactions</a> <span></span></li>
<div class="authorBio tab">
<p class="center">'
<div class="authorThink tab">
<p class="center">';
$return .=
$cat_array = array();
'author' => get_the_author_meta('id'),
$author_posts = get_posts($args);
if( $author_posts ) {
foreach ($author_posts as $author_post ) {
foreach(get_the_category($author_post->ID) as $category) {
$cat_array[$category->term_id] = $category->term_id;
$cat_ids = implode(',', $cat_array);
$output = strtr( wp_list_categories( 'include='.$cat_ids.'&title_li=&style=none&echo=0' ), array( '<br />' => ' / ' ) );
echo preg_replace( '@\s/\s\n$@', '', $output );
$return .= '</p>
$return = trim($return, ', ');
if ( ! $echo )
return $return;
echo $return;
Any insight or ideas much appreciated, thanks!