I know I can use wp_list_categories() to list categories, but how can I achieve to list also the posts under the respective categories, below an example what I want to achieve:

  • category1
  • -- post under cat1
  • -- post under cat1
  • -- post under cat1
  • category2
  • -- post under cat2
  • -- post under cat2
  • -- post under cat2
  • 1
    In the code where you output the categories you're getting, you'd then want to run a wp_query for each one to get the posts. That's the best I can offer without seeing any code whatsoever. I also think that you'd be better off with get_categories() so you don't have to fight with the formatting. developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_categories Commented Jan 23, 2021 at 15:02

1 Answer 1


Finally I resolved the solution this way:

$hg_categories = get_categories();

            foreach($hg_categories as $hg_category) {
                echo '<h3>' . $hg_category -> name . '</h3>';
                $hg_posts = get_posts(array('numberposts' => -1, 'category' => $hg_category -> cat_ID));
                foreach ($hg_posts as $hg_post) {

                    if ($hg_post -> ID == get_the_ID()) {
                        echo '<li class = "current-post"><a href = "';
                        } else {
                        echo '<li><a href = "';
                        echo get_permalink ($hg_post -> ID);
                     echo '">';
                        echo $hg_post -> post_title;
                    echo '</a></li>';

if anyone have a better solution, please let me know, thank you.

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