I'm at a loss. I've got a custom meta box with the 'multicheck' code that Jan created. It's working great. My issue now is getting the data to return properly.
Scenario: there are 5 possible values, each with the same meta_key. What I am trying to do is display specific content if a value is stored with one of the 5 possible values. What is happening is that the content is repeating.
Current site: http://dev.andrewnorcross.com/yoga/locations/tampa/
Current code:
global $post;
$offerings = get_post_meta($post->ID, "evol_offerings_select", false);
if ($offerings[0]=="") { ?>
<!-- If there are no custom fields, show nothing -->
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="offerings">
foreach ($offerings as $offering) {
if ($offering["hot"]==true) {
echo "<div class='single_offering'>";
echo "<h3>Hot 90</h3>";
echo "<p class='class_info'>temp: 105° time: 90 min</p>";
echo '</div>';
if ($offering["flow"]==true) {
echo "<div class='single_offering'>";
echo "<h3>Flow 75</h3>";
echo "<p class='class_info'>temp: 80° time: 75 min</p>";
echo '</div>';
if ($offering["warm"]==true) {
echo "<div class='single_offering'>";
echo "<h3>Warm 60</h3>";
echo "<p class='class_info'>temp: 90° time: 60 min</p>";
echo '</div>';
if ($offering["chill"]==true) {
echo "<div class='single_offering'>";
echo "<h3>Chill 30</h3>";
echo "<p class='class_info'>temp: 75-80° time: 30 min</p>";
echo '</div>';
if ($offering["kids"]==true) {
echo "<div class='single_offering'>";
echo "<h3>Kids Class</h3>";
echo "<p class='class_info'>temp: comfy time: 60 min</p>";
echo '</div>';
} ?>