Currently, my RSS feeds show the entire text from main text field.
I only want to show parts of my text, preferrably my intro text, so that users have to visit my page to read the rest.
I've customized my WP to act more as an CMS. Among the things I've done, is to remove the Excerpt field with remove_meta_box('postexcerpt', 'post', 'normal')
Then I've added my own meta boxes for intro text (excerpt) and short intro text.
Because of this, my intro text is not shown and I'm not using the_excerpt_rss()
This is the code I use to show my intro text:
function the_intro($attr = null) {
$intro = get_intro($attr);
echo $intro;
Where the function get_intro($attr);
is a bigger function to actually retrieve and return intro text.
Looking at wp-include/feed.php
, I see they use this:
echo apply_filters('bloginfo_rss', get_bloginfo_rss($show), $show);
Should I add this filter to my custom functions?
I have not tested yet, just in case I break something :)