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Questions tagged [rss]

RSS feeds are automatically generated by WordPress to allow readers to easily follow your blog using an RSS feed reader.

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When I Open RSS Feed of Subdomain it shows Main Domain feed

I have created a subdomain in Hostinger single web hosting. I have installed Wordpress in it. I have imported all posts along with media in subdomain. Problem when I use RSS feed URL of subdomain in ...
Abdul's user avatar
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Getting table to format properly in RSS feed emails

I have a post with a tablepress table with many columns. When the post is added to RSS, Mailchimp emails it out, but the table is jumbled due to the many columns squeezed together. I found the table ...
somuser's user avatar
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Hiding posts from main page/archive but not RSS feed [duplicate]

I'm trying to hide certain posts (either by ID or category) from my site's main post list, archive post list, and the custom search feature, -but- I need those posts to still show up in RSS feed. I've ...
somuser's user avatar
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RSS Feed Customization

Is there a way to customize the output from RSS feeds from website to website? Right now, when displaying an image from a story, it chooses to show an inline photo rather than a Featured Image. Of ...
Colin Zraunig's user avatar
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Disable RSS /feed/ endpoints on posts without disabling RSS overall

I recently found that Google Search Console has picked up the RSS links for the individual posts and pages on a client site and is attempting to index them. For example,
kevinmcgillivray's user avatar
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Display WordPress RSS Feed Thumbnail

I was fetching my blog posts from another WordPress site to another WordPress site. The issue I'm facing now is how to display the RSS Feed thumbnail. See my code below. <div class="row ...
Dapo Obembe's user avatar
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How to get recent posts from wordpress RSS feed

I tried to find a way to get the latest/recent posts that published on my website, but the Rss feed seems to be Sorted alphabetically, so its not show the recent posts and make the feed rss kind of ...
Basecode's user avatar
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How can I stop my WordPress database collecting transients such as RSS feeds in wp_options table?

I ran a check on wp_options table and I found lots of unsolicited RSS content, which points to sites such as and WP Tavern. This content is taking 75% of space in my database. I am aware ...
Dave White's user avatar
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How to have all RSS feed entries linking to the same specific page

I have a list of events. I built a CPT “Evenements” for these Events. I included these CPT in my rss feed using the following function add_filter( 'request', 'wpm_myfeed_request' ); function ...
Timama's user avatar
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Extracting Channel Data from fetch_feed()

How do I access the channel data when using fetch_feed()? I want to use the channel title. TIA Further info: A typical RSS feed (taken from wikipedia) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> &...
skribe's user avatar
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Remove or truncate site rss in <content:encoded>

By default, all post's content is included into rss (content:encoded element). I would like to convert reader to visit website. Currently, description element is truncated, but content:encoded ...
Mateusz Przybylek's user avatar
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How do I keep raw HTML in my RSS feed and not lose my paragraph breaks?

My blog posts have paragraph breaks, but my RSS feed does not. Here's a screenshot of the Code Editor for a post that shows paragraph breaks. And the rss feed which doesn't seem to have them: https://...
Katy Kauffman's user avatar
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I need to change the attribute of the isPermaLink guid in the Wordpress RSS feed - from false to true

I need to change the attribute of the isPermaLink guid in the Wordpress RSS feed - from false to true. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> What's the best way to do this without ...
Leandro C.'s user avatar
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Trying to build Google Sitemap feed and it's downloading instead of displaying in browser

As the title mentions, I'm trying to build a Google News sitemap feed and whenever I go to the /news-sitemap route it downloads a text file. I've tried feed types, "RSS, rss2, and rss-http," ...
Gore Sometimes's user avatar
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RSS: fetch_feed caching with different caching delay per feed?

I have seen that the filter wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime can be used to set the cache period for fetch_feed. But this seems to set it globally for all feeds. Is there a way to have a different ...
shelbypereira's user avatar
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How to change wordpress RSS to be in a specific format?

I am working with an old system that takes in very specific format for RSS. The one thing that doesn't work is the featured image. I need the image to be in a <image> <url></url> <...
Alice Green's user avatar
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WP Default Feed Url Change

I would like to change wordpress feed url. After a little research I find this function (check below). function remove_feed( $feedname ) { global $wp_rewrite; if ( in_array( $feedname,...
Imran Hossan's user avatar
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RSS feed for a custom page template

I would like to know if it is possible to have a custom feed based on a page template and how? This is my custom query: $my_custom_query = new WP_Query( array('cat' => array (4335, 12488), '...
bpy's user avatar
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Custom RSS does not work for categories and tags

We have a custom RSS in our web. It works normally on Main page and post - But in categories and tags it does not work
Nations112's user avatar
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Completely Disable Wordpress RSS Feeds

There are loads of articles out there on how to completely disable Wordpress RSS feeds, my configuration (functions.php) is: function disable_feed() { wp_die( 'You Died' , 200 ); } add_action('...
David Adams's user avatar
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Best way to setup RSS feed for a custom WP blog plugin

Created a new completely custom plugin and created a new type called BlogType, and I can create blog posts inside the admin panel. Now, the question is how to set up RSS feed. I would like to not use ...
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Can't retrieve <enclosure> element with WordPress default @fetch_rss();

I'm trying to fetch and display items from another WordPress site's RSS feed. I have everything working and have done this sort of thing before, but this time, the RSS feed I'm fetching has it's '...
Tony Djukic's user avatar
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Need to suspend RSS feed while repairing missing old post

Some old posts were accidentally removed from my self hosted site. I started replacing them from back-ups, but the people who subscribe to my WordPress Feed (and email notification) complained they ...
Bill Bennett's user avatar
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How to preserve HTML from posts in RSS feed

I have set up a sample post with a few different HTML tags. This is the markup, copied from the block editor: <!-- wp:columns --> <div class="wp-block-columns"><!-- wp:column -...
paneerakbari's user avatar
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WordPress create custom XML RSS feed template

I am trying to create a custom XML RSS feed. However, my code is not quite working as expected. Here is what I have done: In functions.php I have created the feed called "top": add_action('...
TurboTobias's user avatar
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RSS feed URL for post comment shows HTML source code of page

I am facing a weird issue on my site. When I type RSS feed links, global feed and comments work correctly. But, when I go on a specific post, and enter (, It just gives me ...
cheesesticks's user avatar
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Reply via email (mailto link) in RSS feed at the end of each post

I came across this post where author says he added Reply via email link at the end of each post in RSS feed so people have this option to respond via email In ...
810311's user avatar
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How to get a list of articles related to a particular category from my other WordPress website?

How to get a list of articles related to a particular category from my other WordPress website. And how do I list that list on another WordPress site?
Roomal Jayaratne's user avatar
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Custom RSS Feed Overwrites Permalink

I'm trying to setup a custom RSS feed for attachments with a meta field. I succeeded in making the feed, however it's now overwriting the actual site content. add_action( 'init', 'add_custom_feed' ); ...
HarrisonFM's user avatar
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Why is my page feed returning empty content?

I am trying to debug why my page feed with is returning empty. Here's the URL for same, http://localhost/design-patterns/code-improvement/feed/ I'm seeing the following output here, <?xml version=...
shellbot97's user avatar
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Access category within rss2_head hook?

Can I access the current category of a category feed with the rss2_head hook to add for example itunes tags? Lets say I have I want to get acf field elements associated with ...
mahatmanich's user avatar
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Remove password protected posts from default RSS feed

I want to remove all password protected posts from the default RSS feed. Unfortunately I was only able to find one code example, but it looks like something is missing. function rss_filter_protected( $...
eistruhe's user avatar
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RSS audio enclosures have length of zero (podcast duration is missing)

I have had success at creating an RSS feed with enclosures containing episodes of my podcast by simply creating a post and inserting an mp3 file from my media library into it via the robust Add Media ...
Keyslinger's user avatar
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Display custom fields from custom posts in RSS feed

I've been struggling with this for a few days and still can't figure it how. What I am trying to do is to add a custom table field into the RSS feed, so I am using Code Snippets for this matter. Below ...
Gadgets Mall's user avatar
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Rss error in first line of xml : not well-formed (invalid token)

I'm having a problem with my rss feed. is not accepting it, saying not well-formed (invalid token) on line 1. It seems that the name of the website appearing between <?xml ?> ...
jDelforge's user avatar
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What is the difference between these GUID's in wordpress feed?

My RSS feed currently contains generated post GUIDs URLs that use the post slug: <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid> However I want to use the ?p=...
Shivani Shukla's user avatar
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How to regenerate RSS feed URL like FeedBurner?

I own several podcasts and faced the problem of changing rss feed on different podcast directories several times when I changed hosting. I have been looking for a solution to this problem for a long ...
Yeldar's user avatar
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Is there way to make conditional branch for Rss feed items?

I made custom field as Rss feed items. When I try to make conditional branch of these items, it does not work. This is code I made. Problem is that 'color2' is always ignored however value of 'color1'...
cwhiro's user avatar
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Completely disable RSS feeds on WP 5.5.2 and show a 404 page instead of die();

I'd like to completely disable RSS feeds on my WP website. Can someone please guide me on how to throw a 404.php page and set the headers to 404, when someone types in here ...
api2_go's user avatar
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Problem with getting RSS because of authentication

Im am trying to get the rss feed from a wordpress website that someone else has built. But I get stuck in authentication problems, and i am not able to find the right solution. When I put http://...
Rogier Verkroost's user avatar
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Code to mimic the RSS widget

Background - I was using a (paid) theme, and spent quite a bit of time with customizing it. The result was an aggregator page, 4 columns of RSS feeds for the topic. The theme issued an update which, ...
JTP - Apologise to Monica's user avatar
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Exporting post info into a formatted table and into MailChimp as automated as possible

This is a complex one, and I'm ok if not every aspect of it can be automated but I'd like to try to get as close as possible. What I'm trying to do: I'm building a job site and I want to be able to ...
polg's user avatar
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Change pubDate in rss feed in another format

In the default wordpress rss feed the element <pubDate> is <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', true ), false ); ?></pubDate> ...
Honoluluman's user avatar
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On my Wordpress 5.4 website, how to remove all feeds? Including Category and Tags

Hi so I noticed on Google search console, that Google has indexed my new Wordpress v5.4 website's feeds as well. Not only article feed, but also category and tags! I'm a wp newbie so can anyone ...
sd100's user avatar
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Wordpress Rest API custom endpoint for RSS feed

I know how to register custom endpoints for Wordpress REST API and actually use it to output podcasts from my website like this: register_rest_route( 'myradio/v1', '/podcasts/(?P<id>\d+)', ...
geraldo's user avatar
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How to remove style attribute in WordPress RSS output?

I have tested my RSS using the W3C Feed Validator but it is outputting an error to fix: style attribute contains potentially dangerous content: max-width How can I fix this error and remove style ...
overdeveloping's user avatar
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Change the RSS feed image

I want to customize this part of Wordpress feeds: <image> <url>https://[]/wp-content/uploads/cropped-logo-32x32.png</url> <title>My Site</title> <link>...
JPL's user avatar
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How to remove private posts from RSS feeds?

Private posts are visible only to administrators and editors, but I have found that they are displayed publicly in RSS feeds. How can I remove them from there? I have this code but it doesn't work: ...
Rafaucau's user avatar
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Get featured image from post on RSS feed

I want to add the featured image to my RSS feed. function rss_post_thumbnail($content) { global $post; if(has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) { $content = '<p>' . ...
LovinQuaQua's user avatar
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Include only posts with meta key “add_in_rss” in RSS Feed

I edited this file like this, but it doesn't work ...do_action( 'rss2_head' ); while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); $meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, "add_in_rss", false); ...
UserDomin's user avatar

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