Does anybody know predefined (suggested by WP) CSS classes which should I use in my theme?

I have seen somewhere in Internet a list of all CSS classes, which are used in WP theme, but can't find it.

UPDATE: I have found the site where I've seen this list: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/default-wordpress-generated-css-cheat-sheet-for-beginners/

3 Answers 3


There are many CSS classes generated by WordPress, depending on context.

The Theme Review Guidelines include the following, WordPress-generated CSS classes:

  • Alignment Classes:
    • .aligncenter
    • .alignleft
    • .alignright
  • Caption Related Classes:
    • .wp-caption
    • .wp-caption-text
    • .gallery-caption
  • Post Classes:
    • .sticky
  • Comment Classes:
    • .bypostauthor

Then, there are the body classes generated by body_class().

Then, there are the post classes generated by post_class().

Then, there are the comment classes generated by comment_class().

Then, there are the menu item classes generated by wp_nav_menu().

  • didn't you just finish rewriting sections of the Codex on this very subject? How timely!
    – Tom Auger
    Commented May 9, 2012 at 12:37

I found this list, which appears to be pretty comprehensive:


(I'm aware that an answer consisting of a link to an external site is discouraged, but not sure what else to do in this case?)

  • 1
    +1 copy/paste source wouldn't help as it would maybe exceed an answer.
    – kaiser
    Commented May 4, 2012 at 16:35

Maybe will be useful information from the Codex. Styling List with CSS

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