I am struggling to get custom CSS to work in Wordpress. I am using version 6.1.1.

I want to turn off underlining of the link in the site title when you hover over it. I am using a Twenty-twenty three theme. I have attempted this by setting a custom class on the site title block (site_banner), and then added the following CSS to style.css:

.site_banner a:hover {
   text-decoration: none;

Either this stylesheet is not being included, or it is being overridden somewhere. I'm not sure how/where I am supposed to put my code, or how to debug the problem. I can't find anything about custom CSS in the Wordpress documentation, other than altering site global themes. A few tutorials I have found have told me that what I am doing should work. And it has in previous versions of Wordpress.

Any help is appreciated.

1 Answer 1


These are some helpful threads on wordpress.org:



You can use the hidden customizer option to add your CSS. Append customize.php to your site admin URL. E.g. https://example.com/wp-admin/customize.php

And add your custom CSS in the Additional CSS section and this should do the trick. enter image description here

  • Any idea why the new version of WP hides this? Is WP moving away from allowing you to fine-tune a site's appearance? Commented Mar 29, 2023 at 10:59
  • Oh and yeah, it worked perfectly using the Additional CSS. Thanks! Commented Mar 29, 2023 at 11:00
  • @esotechnica " Is WP moving away from allowing you to fine-tune a site's appearance?" Nope, Customizer availability depends on theme. For ref: wordpress.org/documentation/article/customizer I personally feel Additional CSS option should still be available even if the theme supports Full site editing, it's helpful for small css improvements.
    – Kumar
    Commented Mar 30, 2023 at 3:14

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