In my site the blogs resolve as %category%/%postname% for now. However, I want the blog URLs to be /blogs/%postname%. I know I could go to Permalinks and add blogs as a prefix before %postname%. However, I also have custom post types. What this does is add the blogs prefix to the custom post types too. For example, I have a custom post type called whitepapers and all those URLs resolve to whitepapers/%postname% If I change the permalink structure as described above, it becomes blogs/whitepapers/%postname%.

How do I change the URL structure only for the blogs but let the custom post type be as they are?

  • 5
    You should just use the Permalink Settings page to set the permalink structure to /blogs/%postname% and for your custom post types, set the with_front argument to false to not include the /blogs/ in the CPT posts' permalink.
    – Sally CJ
    Commented May 18, 2021 at 11:33
  • 1
    @SallyCJ this helped. Thank you. Commented May 18, 2021 at 14:03

1 Answer 1


As @sally-cj mentioned in their comment, which is also the solution:

If you have set a custom permalink prefix (for example: /blogs/%postname%/) for your blog posts (which results in: yoursite.com/blogs/lorem-ipsum-dolor), it might also get applied to your custom post types too (resulting in: yoursite.com/blogs/customposttype/dolor-sit-amet). The easiest and most conventional solution is to set the with_front argument to false on the CPTs.

If you are using ACF, you can find this in:
Edit Post Type -> Advanced Settings -> URLs -> Front URL Prefix (set this to false)

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