If the sub-category's slug is a combination of lowercase letters and Korean, page 404 appears.
1 : NGINX settings
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
2 : Wordpress - Permerlink settings
- Custom: /%category%/%postname%/
- Category Base:.
3 : Wordpress - Yoast
- Taxonomies > Category URLs ( Remove )
4 : Tested content
4-1 : In case of parent category ✅
- mywebsite.com/한글 = 200
- mywebsite.com/a한글 = 200
- mywebsite.com/한글B = 200
4-2 : In case of post ✅
- mywebsite.com/한글/post글 = 200 ( lowercase + non-latin )
4-3 : In case of child category ⚠️
- mywebsite.com/한글/한글 = 200
- mywebsite.com/한글/a한글 = 404 ❌
- mywebsite.com/한글/한글b = 404 ❌
- mywebsite.com/한글/C한글 = 200
- mywebsite.com/한글/한글D = 200
- mywebsite.com%2F%ED%95%9C%EA%B8%80%2Fa%ED%95%9C%EA%B8%80 = 200 ⭕️ ( /한글/a한글 : url encoded )
- mywebsite.com/한글/A한글 = 200 ⭕️ ( /한글/a한글 : uppercase )
5 : Reference question
I think it might be related to @user139986 's answer.
I don't know how to handle this problem .. 😭
file, theNC
indicatesno case
, ie, the request should be considered in a case-insensitive manner. This means that, say,ABC
. Does this question and its answer(s) help you out?