I'm using this filter to display post date in my single and archive pages, because working on a windows azure php app I can't show post date before 1901.

This filter is working but It displays post date in english

add_filter( 'get_the_date', function($the_date, $d, $post){
  $date = new DateTime( $post->post_date );
 echo $date->format('j F, Y'); // change formatting as needed 
}, 10, 3 );

I need to display the post date in italian. How can I do that?

Thanks guys

ok I solved with

echo date_i18n("d F Y (H:i)",$date) ;

1 Answer 1


for example use:
_e('the things to print')

or if woocommerce is being used its possible to use this way:
_e('the things to print', 'woocommerce')

add_filter( 'get_the_date', function($the_date, $d, $post){
  $date = new DateTime( $post->post_date );
  echo _e($date->format('j F, Y')); // change formatting as needed 
}, 10, 3 );

for more information about _e()

the text is translated for the wordpress language choosen by the administrator in Dashboard > settings > general

  • Hi Tiago, thanks for your answer but it doesn't works. In Dashboard > settings > general I set Italian, but it shows always j F, Y in english
    – Bondweb
    Commented Dec 6, 2020 at 15:55
  • 1
    ok solved with echo date_i18n("d F Y (H:i)",$date) ;
    – Bondweb
    Commented Dec 6, 2020 at 16:45

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