This may have a simple answer I'm not aware of, but I'm not familiar with redirects on Wordpress. Here's my question:

I had my default Posts routed to mysite.com/post-name.

I want to now route the default Posts to mysite.com/blog/post-name, which I was able to achieve through the Permalinks settings, using the custom structure /blog/%postname%/.

The problem now is that the old URLs (mysite.com/post-name) don't work (404). How do I redirect all of those old Posts to the new mysite.com/blog/post-name URL? There are a lot of posts, so I'm looking for a way to do this in bulk.

I've searched for answers, but haven't found anything satisfactory. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

2 Answers 2


There are lots of solutions to redirect from the old post URL to the new post URL.

  1. You can install a plugin "Safe Redirect Manager" and set it from the admin panel.
  2. You can write some snippet in the functions.php file as:
add_action('template_redirect', 'post_redirect_by_custom_filters');
function post_redirect_by_custom_filters() {
    global $post;
    // this array can contain category names, slugs or even IDs.
    $catArray = ['blog'];
    if (is_single($post->ID) && !has_category($catArray, $post)) {
        $new_url = "http://www.newurl.com/blog/{$post->post_name}/";  
        wp_redirect($new_url, 301);

For more details please follow the below link.



i have changed Custom URL Structure like example.com/post-name to example.com/%category%/%post-name% . there are a lot of pages around 1600 URL, Now I want to redirect my old URL to New URL, How can i do that with rankmath free version.

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    – cjbj
    Commented Oct 14, 2023 at 9:45

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