I've upgraded a handful of WPMU sites from 2.9 to WP3. I've never had problems with that process .. until today, when all of a sudden, one install tells me that the DB is missing some tables. The tables WordPress can't find are not actually supposed to be there in a multisite.
The tables I have are:
wp_1_commentmeta wp_1_comments wp_1_links wp_1_options wp_1_postmeta wp_1_posts wp_1_terms wp_1_term_relationships wp_1_term_taxonomy wp_blogs wp_blog_versions wp_registration_log wp_signups wp_site wp_sitecategories wp_sitemeta wp_usermeta wp_users
And that's excactly the tables you get on a vanilla install of WordPress-MU 2.9.2 (not WordPress 2.9.2)
But on this install, after I opgrade the file to WordPress 3.x, WordPress tells me, that the database is missing tables like
wp_posts wp_comments etc..
If WordPress was running as a single site, those tables would indeed be missing here, but when updating from WordPress-MU 2.9 they wont be there, and thats normally not causing a problem at this stage.
So my question is, Does anybody know, what it is that determines, wheter WordPress will evaulate the DB integrity according to sinlge site vs. multisite rules?
I'm just guessing that the problem here is, that WordPress is for some reason evaluating the DB as if it was a regular single site install.