The Block Editor recently introduced block styles as seen below:
How do we disable these?
We start off by finding out which block styles exists via .getBlockTypes()
. This will dump it into the console:
wp.domReady(() => {
// find blocks styles
wp.blocks.getBlockTypes().forEach((block) => {
if (_.isArray(block['styles'])) {
console.log(, _.pluck(block['styles'], 'name'));
Example output:
core/image (2) ["default", "rounded"]
core/quote (2) ["default", "large"]
core/button (2) ["fill", "outline"]
core/pullquote (2) ["default", "solid-color"]
core/separator (3) ["default", "wide", "dots"]
core/table (2) ["regular", "stripes"]
core/social-links (3) ["default", "logos-only", "pill-shape"]
With this information, we can deactivate the block styles as desired. For example, if we want to remove the large
quote style, we can use the following in our remove-block-styles.js
wp.domReady(() => {
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/quote', 'large');
} );
We can load the remove-block-styles.js
in the themes functions.php
function remove_block_style() {
// Register the block editor script.
wp_register_script( 'remove-block-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/remove-block-styles.js', [ 'wp-blocks', 'wp-edit-post' ] );
// register block editor script.
register_block_type( 'remove/block-style', [
'editor_script' => 'remove-block-style',
] );
add_action( 'init', 'remove_block_style' );
If we want to remove all block styles (as listed above), we can use:
wp.domReady(() => {
// image
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/image', 'rounded');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/image', 'default');
// quote
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/quote', 'default');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/quote', 'large');
// button
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/button', 'fill');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/button', 'outline');
// pullquote
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/pullquote', 'default');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/pullquote', 'solid-color');
// separator
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/separator', 'default');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/separator', 'wide');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/separator', 'dots');
// table
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/table', 'regular');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/table', 'stripes');
// social-links
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/social-links', 'default');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/social-links', 'logos-only');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/social-links', 'pill-shape');
} );
Major credits to Per Søderlind for the snippets.
be aware that this is not the list of currently registered styles but just the default styles those blocks have defined which might have been changed by other code.
This has now changed to
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/image', 'rounded');
Gotta love those guys in core ;)
The answer from Christine already gets you quite far but I saw two ways to still improve it:
Let's fix this. :)
_.forEach(wp.blocks.getBlockTypes(), function(blockType){
let blockStyles ='core/blocks').getBlockStyles(;
console.log(, _.pluck(blockStyles, 'name'));
_.forEach(wp.blocks.getBlockTypes(), function(blockType){
let blockStyles ='core/blocks').getBlockStyles(;
_.forEach(_.pluck(blockStyles, 'name'), function(blockStyle){
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle(, blockStyle);
Of course you can get more creative from here with an allow/disallow list or whatever other logic you need, but I'll leave this as an exercise to the reader. :)
One thing I noticed when trying to achieve this is that my domReady
kept running ahead of the core blocks registration making it unable to unregister the core block styles.
Not sure if it's a problem with my enqueuing or if something changed on WordPress core through an update. Changing domReady
for a window load
event was late enough for it to work. Not sure if there are any side effects of unregistering too late, however I haven't seen any issues so far.
Replace this:
wp.domReady( () => {
} );
With this:
window.addEventListener( 'load', ( event ) => {
} );
If you are using TwentyTwentyOne theme, you will not find the names of the core/image styles as Christine Cooper describes.
I had to dig a bit (themes › twentytwentyone › inc › block-styles.php › twenty_twenty_one_register_block_styles())
This is how the styles are registered:
// Image: Borders.
'name' => 'twentytwentyone-border',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Borders', 'twentytwentyone' ),
// Image: Frame.
'name' => 'twentytwentyone-image-frame',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Frame', 'twentytwentyone' ),
PHP to remove styles:
* Remove styles from core/image
function unregister_core_image_styles() {
unregister_block_style( 'core/image', 'twentytwentyone-border' );
unregister_block_style( 'core/image', 'twentytwentyone-image-frame' );
add_action('init', 'unregister_core_image_styles', 20);
JS to remove the style (use this one):
wp.domReady(() => {
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/image', 'twentytwentyone-border');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/image', 'twentytwentyone-image-frame');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/image', 'rounded');
wp.blocks.unregisterBlockStyle('core/image', 'default');
For me, the unregistering styles with PHP was acting weird. I could not get rid of 'Default' and 'Rounded'.