I want to make a WP website in Turkish that shows the proper Turkish alphabet characters in the URL fields in the webbrowser and in WP instead of the English alphabet ones. I tried it already but I don't succeed at it. What happens is, instead of the Turkish characters like these: "Çok güzel bir saksı yapmışlar önümüzdekiler" it shows their 'closest relatives' English character ones, like this: "Cok guzel bir saksi yapmislar onumuzdekiler".
I don't know why this happens and how I can get those proper Turkish characters in the URLs in WP. Anybody have an idea?
How I did it now: I manually installed WP and edited the wp-config.php file to enter my database values and entered these values:
The database character set: I leave it at utf8, so this:
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
DB_COLLATE: I've read that the database collation should normally be left blank except for Turkish language sites which need to have: 'utf8_turkish_ci'. So this:
define('DB_COLLATE', 'utf8_turkish_ci');
So I did all this on one Turkish language site already but the URL fields still don't show the proper Turkish alphabet characters but instead their closest English alphabet characters.
So I would like to know: What determines which alphabet's characters get to be shown in the URL fields?
And what do I need to do to get this done?