I have been using quark a lot which is a starter theme.
I have been using a child theme with quark for a few reasons:
- Clear separation of code
- Ability to easily update quark on theme updates
As I have become more in tune with the theme and wordpress, I am trying to reduce the load and resources to ensure speed and efficiency.
I am now debating the use of a child theme - Mainly because I know a child theme already adds additional resources
e.g. it requires 2 x style.css (parent and child) and sometimes, overwriting styles is cumbersome and creates extra code which wouldn't be required by using starter theme in standalone - I could just delete the code.
The same goes for functions.php - quark loads 2 x google fonts - if i dont use them and load my own google fonts, i end up loading resources that are superfluous.
BUT, using a starter theme disables the ability to easily update to the latest theme when a new version is released...
So... I guess I want to know if I am correct - is this just the "rub of the green" and effectively I have to sum up whether I want to deal with a few extra resources versus the inability to auto-update my theme?
Or am I missing some unique concept to each method?