Every article and help document I find on this topic is focused on the WordPress built-in feature using the page->Visibility setting which is extremely limited and useless for true page protection.

I want staff to be registered with their own individual logins in Users which I have done using Profile Press and on login, I can redirect them to a specific page - easy.

The problem first came when people try to access a protected page directly so to resolve this:

  1. I copied the Page Template and renamed it Protected Page Template
  2. I added some code to functions.php:

function check_is_logged_in( ) { global $post; if ( !is_user_logged_in () && get_page_template_slug($post->ID)=='page-protected.php' ) : wp_redirect( home_url().'/log-in/', 302 ); exit; endif; } add_action( 'get_header', 'check_is_logged_in' );

This partially resolved my issue so that if anyone tried to access the page directly, they were redirected and now, all I need to do is set the Page Template to Protected Page Template - Fixed.


Now I have installed the PressApps Knowledge Base plugin and I want this to also be password protected BUT, get_page_template_slug() returns empty and is not included.

Is there another value I can use and test to identify the page template or page type?

  • FYI - KnowledgeBase has a "Template" selection - it currently uses page.php even though I have selected page-protected.php so this feature is broken, hence why I'm looking for an alternative Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 1:23

1 Answer 1


The template name is stored in the postmeta table, you can identify the page template by different ways but i would do with like:

1. $template = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true );
    echo "Template: " . $template;
2. echo basename( get_page_template() ) 

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