I have tried preformatted button, Paste as text button or Text tab element before pasting source code, WordPress always stripped indent tabs and broke code formatting.

For example, the source code:

final class HtmlAttr
   * Constructor
   * @param  string  $filter  A filter hook to modify the attribute(s).
  function __construct(array $attrs, $filter = '')
    // Something...

   * Render attribute(s)
  function __toString()
    // Something...

will become:

final class HtmlAttr
 * Constructor
 * @param string $filter A filter hook to modify the attribute(s).
 function __construct(array $attrs, $filter = '')
 // Something...

 * Render attribute(s)
 function __toString()
 // Something...

I'm using Atom IDE and can't figure out the right way to paste source code from IDE into WordPress TinyMCE Editor directly. Really appreciate your help!

  • Do you use <pre></pre> around the code?
    – fuxia
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 12:35
  • @toscho You meant adding <pre></pre> manually. Isn't it's equal to preformatted button or I have missed something?
    – Minh Tri
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 12:40
  • 1
    Well, yes, but that button is available in the visual editor only – which is stripping tabs on paste.
    – fuxia
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 12:43
  • If you will use the text mode of the editor, the plugin AddQuicktag enhance optional the editor buttons for mask code and add the pre-tags.
    – bueltge
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 13:05
  • @toscho Thank you! That help me understand the problem. I though that WordPress should have a built-in way to handle source code automatically but look like we have to enter pre element each time.
    – Minh Tri
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 14:13

2 Answers 2


Have you tried another editor?

You could try CKEeditor, according to some it does not mess with the code indents.


  • Thank for your response but the plugin is too much for my problem.
    – Minh Tri
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 14:16

After struggling about adding pre element manually, I decided to create a shortcut button on TinyMCE Editor:

This is button class and hooks in my parent theme:

 * EmbedSourceCodeButton
 * @see  https://codex.wordpress.org/TinyMCE_Custom_Buttons
final class EmbedSourceCodeButton
   * Name
  const NAME = 'embedSourceCodeButton';

   * Constructor
  function init()
    if ('post' !== $GLOBALS['current_screen']->post_type) return;

    add_action('mce_buttons', [$this, 'addButton']);
    add_action('mce_external_plugins', [$this, 'addPlugin']);
    add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'localizeLabels'], 10, 0);

   * Localize labels
  function localizeLabels()
    wp_localize_script('jquery-core', self::NAME, [
      'title'        => __('Embed Source Code', 'textdomain'),
      'listboxLabel' => __('Language', 'textdomain'),
      'textboxLabel' => __('Source code', 'textdomain')

   * Add this button to TinyMCE
   * @see  https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/4.6/src/wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php#L624
   * @return  array  $buttons
  function addButton(array $buttons)
    array_push($buttons, self::NAME);

    return $buttons;

   * Add this plugin
   * @see  https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/4.6/src/wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php#L392
   * @return  array  $plugins
  function addPlugin(array $plugins)
    $x = SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';

    if ( !isset($plugins[self::NAME]) )
      $plugins[self::NAME] = get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/button' . $x . '.js';

    return $plugins;
add_action('load-post.php', [new EmbedSourceCodeButton, 'init']);
add_action('load-post-new.php', [new EmbedSourceCodeButton, 'init']);

And this is button.js which is inside asset/js folder of my theme:

(function() {
  tinymce.PluginManager.add('embedSourceCodeButton', function(editor, url) {
    editor.addButton('embedSourceCodeButton', {
      text: false,
      icon: 'wp_code',
      onclick: function() {
          title: embedSourceCodeButton.title,
          body: [
            { // Unnecessary yet but may be helpful in the future.
              name: 'language',
              type: 'listbox',
              label: embedSourceCodeButton.listboxLabel,
              values: [
                  text: 'PHP',
                  value: 'php'
                  text: 'CSS',
                  value: 'css'
                  text: 'HTML',
                  value: 'html'
                  text: 'Javascript',
                  value: 'javascript'
              name: 'code_block',
              type: 'textbox',
              multiline: true,
              label: embedSourceCodeButton.textboxLabel
          onsubmit: function(e) {
            var entities = {
              '&': '&amp;',
              '<': '&lt;',
              ">": '&gt;',
              '"': '&quot;',
              "'": '&#39;',
              '/': '&#x2F;'
            // Encode HTML special chars before inserting into editor.
            var codeBlock = e.data.code_block.replace(/&|<|>|"|'|\//gm, function(s) {
              return entities[s];
            editor.insertContent('<pre data-lang="' + e.data.language + '"><code>' + codeBlock + '</code></pre>');

Hope it can help someone who is lazy as me too. ;-)

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