I am closing my previous site so i want to redirect old domain's homepage & all posts to new domain's homepage. I tried using Cpanel redirect but it only redirects homepage not posts. I want to redirect all posts also. Any solution ?
1 Answer
There are many useful threads on StackOverflow on how implement this, but here's a small WP solution that you can apply without modifying your .htaccess
add_action('init', function() {
$redirect_to_domain = 'google.com'; // without protocol
$https = false; // redirect to https ( default: http )
// don't change the following unless you know what you're doing
$domain = str_replace( array('http://', 'https://'), '', get_site_url() );
wp_redirect( ( $https ? "https://" : "http://" ) . str_replace( $domain, $redirect_to_domain, $uri ) );
Remember, WordPress will still be initiated until the redirect is performed.
Hope this helps.