I want to let my customer choose any image (in my backend) and then it will be displayed in my header.php. i've found Image Widget, but it just show images in the sidebar. I want something like:

<?php wp_plugin_that_shows_a_simple_image(); ?>

In my header. Which plugin could I use? I've searched a lot. WP 3. Thank you.

1 Answer 1


WordPress contains built-in support to select header images for a theme. You only have to indicate that your theme supports this, by calling add_custom_image_header(). See the Twenty Ten initialization for details.

In your theme's header.php you then call header_image() to get the current header image.

  • If i want to put this image in another file, does it still work? Thank you.
    – thom
    Commented May 27, 2011 at 16:31
  • @thom: You mean putting the header_image() in another file than header.php? That is no problem. You can call it where you want.
    – Jan Fabry
    Commented May 27, 2011 at 17:32

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