What's the best practice to overwrite some JS-functions in buddypress.js?

There are some quite annoying things in there like animating the form-fields on click/blur/post which I need to remove because they absolutely don't fit our design.

Would the best be to copy the whole script into my theme and deregister / enqueue? If so, who knows the deregister-name?

Any other possibilities?


1 Answer 1


Usually it is bp-legacy-js.

But if you place a buddypress.js in wp-content/themes/your-theme/buddypress/js/ this file will be taken instead. The handle will be bp-parent-js

The same goes for CSS files, if you place them in /your-theme/buddypress/css/.

If you place the buddypress.js in a childtheme, the handle will be bp-child-js.


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