I'am trying to filter my archive page by clicking links. When clicked they execute the add_query_arg command.

Everything works fine so far.

But now i want to add combinations within the same custom taxonomy.

ex: http://url.com/archive/ '?events=test&events=test2'

now the question, how to add two times the same argument with add_query_arg without overwriting the first one ? And how to get them again ?

Hope someone can help me out here.

Best regards

  • You can pass two values as comma separated in a single parameter events. And later parse value correctly in your page. Commented Aug 13, 2014 at 8:24
  • that sounds good ! i'm going to try that. Thanks !!!
    – AnC
    Commented Aug 13, 2014 at 8:39

1 Answer 1


Nilambar's comment solved this for me.

"You can pass two values as comma separated in a single parameter events. And later parse value correctly in your page. – Nilambar"

I use this to get posts with tag1 OR tag2:

echo '<a href="'.esc_attr(add_query_arg( 'events', 'tag1,tag2')).'">Linkname</a>';

And to get all posts with tag1 AND tag2 simply use "+" instead of ",":

echo '<a href="'.esc_attr(add_query_arg( 'events', 'tag1+tag2')).'">Linkname</a>';

Thanks Nilambar !

  • Glad that I could be of some help :-) Commented Aug 13, 2014 at 12:36

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