I want to add lang
query variable to existing URL.
I have registered query variable:
add_filter('query_vars', 'custom_add_query_vars');
function custom_add_query_vars($vars){
$vars[] = "lang";
return $vars;
The following code works good everywhere but not when I'm currently on the home page.
<?php global $wp; ?>
<a href="<?php echo add_query_arg(array('lang' => 'en'), $wp->request); ?>">English</a>
Is there a problem with the code? On the homepage
URL becomes http://localhost/mywebsitename/?lang=en
which should be ok but supposedly it tries to load index.php
instead of page.php
, which generally wouldn't be a problem but in that case some things like is_front_page()
don't behave as it should.
Static page is set as a homepage under Settings->Reading and pretty permalinks are active ("Post name" option).