I'm sorry if my question may seem strange, but I've only recently started fiddling with WordPress development, as I was given a project already largely developed (I'm not saying it was well developed ;-) ).
The previous developer registered several post types, and assigned custom fields to each post type. For instance, there is a "news" post type, whose "section" custom field can be "updates" or "press review". However, this was left behind, and only a archive-news.php and a single-news.php scripts have been written to present the list of "updates" and the single "update".
Now I need to keep the current contents of the existing pages, but I have to make a new page listing the "news" posts with section set to "press review". I think I've got how to query and how to present the posts, but what I'm missing is how can I point to the new "archive-pressreview.php" page. From what I got, it would be easy to do if "press review" was a post type, but it's not, and I cannot change it.
How could I get a permalink to my custom archive page?
Thanks in advance!