running wp 3.9 fresh install
update - now all is fixed:
now - with the new values
magic_quotes_gpc Off On
magic_quotes_runtime Off On
magic_quotes_sybase Off Off
left is: local value right is: master value
all goes well - the broken admin area is gone --- all goes nicely
findings; on the page where I can configure the widgets I cannot get anything done. I cannot add widgets and I do not know why.
i finally runned the wp-file-permissions-check
that is derived from that url
get back the following errors:
Error: SplFileInfo::getPerms() [splfileinfo.getperms]: open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/home/vhost/WWW/ is not within the allowed path(s):
how to treat this finding - what does this tell us!?
I am thinking that due to the permissions, the proper jQuery files for the WordPress core are not being loaded and thus breaking the admin backend. Switching the theme and turning off all of the plugins still causes the issues, so it is most likely that. another thought: probalby a jQuery library is missing, has been replaced, or is somehow different from the version
here the values of open_basedir according the php-ini - as it shows the current settings of the server:
**local value**: /home/vhost/WWW/
**master value**: /usr/local/httpd/docroot
and i guess that this can cause lots of issues and confusion - what do you say!?
explanation: The open_basedir setting is primarily used to prevent PHP scripts for a particular user from accessing files in another user's account. So usually, any files in your own account should be readable by your own scripts. end of update:!
see the errors:
- cannot configure the widgets
- cannot access the set-options-page
- cannot switch the accessible-mode -(in the set options-page)
I have the following errors in the firebug console:
200 OK
jquery...=1.11.0 (Zeile 4)
204 No Content
csm-ba..._V1_.js (Zeile 232)
Content Security Policy: Ungültige Quelle chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl kann nicht verarbeitet werden
Content Security Policy: Unbekannte Quelle chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl konnte nicht verarbeitet werden
Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the
App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.
ping? (Zeile 1)
and the following errors:
SyntaxError: illegal character
!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports
load-s...ver=3.9 (Zeile 2, Spalte 15)
SyntaxError: illegal character
...c,d){var f;return f=c&&c.hasOwnProperty(\"constructor\")?c.constructor:function(...
load-s...ver=3.9 (Zeile 1, Spalte 60)
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
})( jQuery );
customize.php (Zeile 560)
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
what do you say!? it might be possible that the errors steem form the wrong openbase-dir!?