I have read on codewordpress about this issue. In the article "A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme". And then on stylesheet use import style from parent style @import url("../twentythirteen/style.css");
Lets take example with twenty thirteen.
So I have current conclusion that is good system for fast & simple development. We no need build from scratch and no need update in future because parent update->child also updated.
But yesterday, I found that this theme claim is child from twenty thirteen. I check it, but I don't see any import style to twenty thirteen and all php file is all there (I create child theme and just php file from twenty thirteen that have in my theme as example function.php, header, footer, and content-_*).
Any wrong with my conclusion about child theme?
One other part of my question and for help me for mistake in future. If we use child theme and override some function and style on twenty thirteen. Does in future (when parent theme updated) the function and style still used?? For example:
#article {code override}
Is this id/class will be still used?
function foo(){all code}
Is this function (example) in functions.php will be still used?
I hope anyone can explained more to me so It confused will be done. Thanks