I've managed to figure out how to use Custom Post Type templates now and they are great. I do however want to know if there is not a way to use a current template I have developed for other pages.
What I have is a page-three-column.php file using conditional checks to see which page it is on and then displaying the relevant content as it needs to.
Rather than copy this html over to the single-product.php template, I want to be able to use the page-three-column.php again as it has all the structure already in place and I wont need to duplicate html and compare it.
Is there a way to "force" wordpress to use a specific template rather than the Custom Post Type template?
I've read through the Codex to see if there is a conditional check one could use and thought that is_single( 'product' ) might work.
Clearly the custom post type template was built to display the content as it is intended but if there is another way, I would appreciate the help?
Many thanks.