How to add automatically keyword to taxonomies when a post published, and assign them to the post for example i have in my post edition, a custom meta box, when you complete this input, a function should generate a group of keywords in background , and i want these keywords are automatically adding to a specific custom taxonomy in that post when it published, this is possible? i try with


and nothing working great, thx

sorry for my worst english

1 Answer 1


You would use the save_post hook, in your hooked function use wp_insert_term as described here:


Then use wp_set_object_terms on the post to assignt he taxonomy term you just created as follows:


for example:

function my_save($post_id) {
    wp_insert_term( 'bannanapost', 'fruit');
    wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, 'bannanapost', 'fruit', true )

The above code, placed in functions.php of your theme, would add the term 'bannanapost' to each post when saved, in the fruit taxonomy

  • 2
    You don't need to use wp_insert_term, the term is automatically created if it doesn't exist. Commented Mar 13, 2012 at 10:28

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