I recently wrote a WordPress plugin called Organize Drafts, which creates a custom taxonomy called Draft Types (using the slug lswdrafttype). This taxonomy is used to organize drafts of pages and posts, as well as (optionally) custom post types.
My plugin uses a custom meta box that displays a dropdown of draft types to choose from. I only want this meta box to appear on drafts, not on published, scheduled, or any other type of post/page.
Here's how it looks now - for a Draft Post
Here's how it looks now - for a Published Post
Current Code
Currently, my plugin checks the post_status in the function that renders the meta box, and then display a message instead of the drop down, like this:
public static function update_meta_boxes() {
$post_types = apply_filters('lsw_default_post_types', LSW_Organize_Drafts::$post_types);
remove_meta_box( 'tagsdiv-lswdrafttype', $post_types, 'side' );
add_meta_box('lswdrafttype_custom', __('Draft Type', 'lsw_organize_drafts'), array('LSW_Organize_Drafts',
'render_meta_box'), $post_types, 'side', 'core');
public static function render_meta_box($post) {
if($post->post_status!=='draft') {
printf( esc_html__( 'Not a draft' ));
} else {
//create dropdown form
This is less than ideal, for 2 reasons:
- The box still displays on published posts, and that's ugly.
- When a new post is created, initially it has no post_status (I think prior to the first autosave) so the dropdown menu doesn't appear.
What I'm Thinking of Changing
I know that I can remove the meta box with Javascript but I don't know if that's the best option, and I also don't know if I should use Ajax to accomplish this task?
I'm thinking that when the edit post page is loaded, the ajax request would send the post_ID and then the ajax callback function would check for the post_status. If the post_status was empty or a draft, the box would be displayed, but otherwise, I'd remove it.
Are there any pitfalls in doing it this way? Is there a better solution?